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222 INDEX. Bologna, meeting of Frjincls I. and Lao X. at, q6. Bjniface VIII., Pope, his bull to oppose the taxes of Philip IV., 47 ; violently opposed by Philip, 48 ; his election doubtful, ib. ; seized by William Nogaret, ib. dies at Rome, ib. Borgia CeE^ar, 91, 92. B mnivet, Admiral, favourite of Francis I- 97- Borodim, battle of, 192. Bo5siiet, 140 ; 143 B julHers, Marshal, defends Lille against the Allies, 150; surrenders Lille, ib. Bouillon, Duke of, his intrigue with Biron, 124; submits to Henry IV., 125 ; imprisoned by Mazarin, 137. Boulogne, besieged by Henry VII , 90; taken by Henry VIII., 102; ransomed by Henry II. of France, 103. Eourbaki, General, 213. B jurbon, Duke of, his administration, 153 Bourdeaux, rule of the Black Prince at. 59, 61; lost to the Knglish, 78; Parliament of. created by Lewis XI.. 87; massacres at, 173; recep- tion of the Duke of at, 195 ; provisional government removes to, 214. Bourges, Synod of, 36 ; rule of Charles VII. at, 71 ; Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VII. drawn up at, 75 ; Lewis of Orleans imprisoned at, 89. Bouvines, battle of, 31. Bouvray. battle of, 72. Boyne. battle of the, 147. Braban^ons hired by Henry II. of England and Philip II, of France, 26 ; by John, 32 Brabant, Duke of, his marriage with Jacqueline of Hainault, 70 Bremen, annexed by Buoniparte, 191. Brescia, taken by Gaston of Foi., 94. Bretigny, Peace of 5;. Bria, General, murdered, 207. Brienne, Archbishop of Toulouse, minister of Lewis XVI., 164 Bnenne, College of, Buonaparte's education at, 176. B;itinny, Duchy of. a fief of Nor. mnn ly, 11, 21; its connexion viih Engl.and. 24 : w^r for the succession in, 53. 54 : revolt in. on behalf of John of lilontfort. 62, 63 ; revolt in against Duke Francis II., 89 : inheritance of disputed, ib. French invasion of, ib. ; united to the French crown, 90, 92. Brueys, Admiral, defeated and killed at Aboukir, 179. Bruge-, revolts against the French, 46. Brunswick, Duke of checked at Valmy, retreats out of France, 171; killed at Jena, 188. Buchan, John Stewart, Earl of. Con stable of France, 70 ; killed at Vemsuil, 71. Buckingham. George Villiers, Duke of his intrigue with the Huguen its, 129 ; takes Rh^, ib. ; murdered, ib. Bugeaud. Marshal, 203. B .dlegnev.Ue. battle of, 73. Buonap.^rte, Jerome, 186 ; made King of Westphalia, 189. Bu napane, Joseph, 186 ; kingdom of Naples given to, 188 ; made King of Spain, 190; cr:)wned, 190; seeks to resign the crown, 191 ; driven out, 194 Buonaparte, Lewis, 186; made King cf Holland, 188. Buonaparte, Lewis Napoleon, his early career. 204 ; takes his seat in the assembly. 207 ; chosen President of the Republic, 207 ; his coup d'itat, 208 ; reigns as Emperor, ib. ; his marriage, 209 ; his p.ilicy, ib. ; his wars, 209 ; et seq. ; Franco- German War, 211-214: taken pri- soner, 212; deposed, 213; his death, 215- Buonaparte, Lucian, 182; 186 ; 108. Bumaparte, Napoleon, at Toulon, 173 ; rise of. 170 ; his wars in Italy, 177, 178 ; collection of his spoils in the Louvre, 177 ; his treaty with Austria. 178 ; in Egypt, 179. iSo ; re- turns to France, 181 ; in Switzerland, ib. ; m.ade First Consul, 182 ; his second Italian war, 183 : his Austrian victories, 183 : orders the murder of the Duke of Enghien, 184 ; his concordat with Pius VII., 185 ; forms the Code Napoleon, j*. ; reigns as Emperor of the French and King of Italy, 186; takes Pius VII. pri- s iner. 192 ; coalition formed against, 187; submission of Francis 11. to, 191 : his Prussian conquests. 108 ; his alliance with Ale.xanjer of Russia, 1S9; his PeninsuLir war, ib.; h.s Austri.-ui victories, 190 ; divorces Josephine for Maria Louisa of Au-i- tria, 191; his annexations.!^.; his dealings with Switzerland, 192 ; his Russian campaign, ii. ; alliance of Europe against, 193, 194 ; his abdi-