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INDEX. 223 cation and banishment to Elba, 196 ; his return, 197 ; his reception in Parii, ib. ; defeated at Waterloo, 198 ; his second abdication and ban- ishment to Saint Helena, ib.; his death, 198 ; his remains brought to Paris by Louis Philippe, 204. Burgundians settle m Gaul, 4. Burgundy, County of, seized by Lewis XI., S5 : temporary incorporation of with France, 86; restored to Maxi- milian, 90; seized by Lewis XIV., 141 ; see Franche Comte. Burgundy, Duchy of, 8 ; granted to Robert, brother of Henry I., 14; beginning of the House of Valois in, 60 ; united with Flanders, 63 ; its growth under Philip the G:iod, 71 ; 74 ; 80 ; seized by Lewis XI, , 85. Burgundy, Duke of, grandson of Lewis XIV., married to Alelaide of Savoy, 147 ; present at battle of Oudenarde, 150 ; his death, 151. Burgundy, Kingdom of, 6. Busaco, battle of, 191. Caboche, head of the Butchers' Guild, seizes the Bastille, 66. Cabochin Ordinance, the, 66. Cadoudal, George, plots the death of Buonaparte, 184 ; is taken and exe- cuted, ib. Csesar, C. Julius, his conquests in Gaul, 3. Calais, siege and surrender of to Ed- ward III., 55 ; retaken by the French, 104. Calendar, alterations of the, 174. Calixtus II., Pope, rec nciles Henry I. of England and Lewis VI,, 21. Ca'onne, minister of Lewis XVI., 164. Calvin, John, his settlement at Geneva, 100. Cambaceres, second consul of France, 182. Cambray, League of, 94. Camisards, Huguenot followers of Cavalier, 145 ; revolt of, 149 ; join the allies against Lewis XIV., 150. Campo Formi 1, treaty of, 178. Canada, beginning of French power in, 123; 158; English conquest of, 160. Canterbury, pilgrimage of Lewis VII. to, 25. Capet, origin of the name, 9 ; applied to Lewis XV'I., 171. Cape Breton, French colony of, 158 ; ceded to England, 160. Captal de Buch, commander of free lances against the Prussians, 58 ; destroys the mob attacking Meaux, ib.; defeated at Cocherel, 60. Carlos, Dor., 204. Camot, General, 173 ; 178. Cassel, battle of, 52. Castelnaudry, battle of, 131, Ca-itile, rule of Peter the Cruel in, 61 ; French expedition to, 21!'. Castillon, besieged by the French, 78 ; Talbot killed at, ib. Cateau Cambresis, Peace of, 104. Catharine of Medici, Wife of Henry II., 103; favours the Hiiguen.ts, io6, 107 ; regent fir Charles IX., 107 ; forbids Duke of Guise to enter Paris, 108 ; her saying at the battle of Dreux, log ; disall iws the Canons of the Council of Trent, loo ; her policy and court, ib. ; her conference with the Duke of Alva. ib. ; makes war on the reformers, ib.; marries Margaret of Valois to Henry of Navarre, no; consents to the mas- sacre of Huguenots, in ; gives Anjou to Duke of Alen^on, 114 ; her conference with Duke of Guise, 115 ; her death, 117 ; immorality of her court, 118. Catinat, Marshal. 146 ; 148. Cattaro, held by Russia, 188 ; annexed to France, 188 ; won back by Mon- tenegro, 195. Cavaignac, General, 207 ; imprisoned by Lewis Napoleon, 208. Cavalier, Huguenot leader, 145 ; Huguenot revolt under, 149 Cayenne, transp rtations to, 207, 208. Celestine, IL, Pope, absolves Lewis VIL, 22. Celestine III., Pope, Philip Augustus accuses Richard to, 27 ; his wrath at Philip's divorce from Ingebiorg, 28. Celestine V., Pope, his election and resignation, 48. Cerignola, battle of. 93 Chamber of Deputies, its composition, 195 ; its oppositi in to Charles X., 200 ; dissolved by Charles X., 201 ; elects Louis Philippe of Orleans king, 202, 203 ; 205. Chamber of Peers, establ.shed by Lewis XVIII. , 199 ; 203 : 205. Chambord, Heru-y, Count of (Duke of B rdeaux), 200 ; 202 ; Duchess of Berri attempts a Vendean rising in favour of, 203 ; supported by the Legitimists, 205 ; his manifesto, 216.