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224 INDEX. Champ de Mai, the, 157. Chandos, Sir Jjhn, his tactics at the battle of Poitiers, 56 ; wins the battle of Auray, 60 ; counsels the Black Prince against the hearth- tax, 61. Cliarlemagne, legend of. 30. Charles, Count of Anjou, married to Beatrice of Provence, 38 : goes on the ^'venih crusade, 39; his return, 41 ; Count of Pr .vence in right of his wife, ib.; kingdom of Sicily ofi'ered to. 43 ; 1 )ses the island, 44 ; reigns at Naples, ih. Charles. Count of Blois, his claim to the Duchy of Britanny in right of his wife. 53 ; taken prisoner at Kochi Derrien. 55 ; killed at Auray, 60. Chaile^. Count of Valois, governa for Lewis X.. 51. Charles. Duke of Berri, brother of Lewis XI . 79, 80; joins the Leasue of the Public Weal. 81 ; Norman iy granted to. ib. ; flies to Britanny. ib. allied with Charles the Bold. 82 ; Mary of Burgundy offered in marriage to, 83; his suspicious death, ib. Charles, Duke of Lorraine, his duchy, 10 ; opposition of. against Hugh Capet. II ; helped by William of A:|uitaine, ib. ; v.anqu.shed, -?.. Charles II L, Duke of Lorraine. 132. Charles, Duke of Mayenne, head of the Catholic League, 117; defeated at Ivry. 118 ; makes peace with Henry IV., 120. Charles, Duke of Nevers. 130. Charles, I )uke of Orleans, see Orleans. Charles. Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, his cessi ns to Henry IV., 124 ; his death. 130. Charles Emmanuel II., Duke of Sa- voy. 132. Charles Emmanuel IV., King of Sar- dinia, deprived of Piedmont, retires to Sardinia, 181. Charles of Bourbon, Constable of Erance, 95 ; his quarrel with Lewis of Fr.ince, 97 ; hii treason, ib. attacks, 99 ; his death, ib. Charles of B nrb n. Cardinal, his c .nnexion with the Catholic League, 115; proclaimed king, iiS ; his death, iig. Charles of Duraiio, defeats Lewis of /i.njou, 64. Charlc; of Spain. Constable of France, murdered by Charles of Navarre, S'i- Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, his character, 80 ; 82 ; joins the League of the Publ.c Weal, 81 : vic- torious at Montl'herj', ib. ; n.arches en Pans, ib. ; gains the County of Boul )gne by the 'I reaty of Confians, ib ; destroys Dinant, 82 ; his meet- ing Lewis XI. at Per nne, ib. ; his treaty with Le« is, ib.; takes Liege, 83 ; his ambition, ib ; his marriages, ib. ; otTers h.s daughter in marriage to Max.milian. ib. ; meets Emperor Frederick III. at Trier, ib. ; ob ains ELass from Sig.smund of Austria, ib ; seizes Lorraine and impris ns Rene, 84 ; his alli.-ince with Edward IV., ib.; revol; in Elsas*. ib. ; besieges Neiiss, ib ; deceived by tdward IV.. ib. ; takes St. Quentin. ib ; schemes of Lewis against, ib. ; his alliance with Savoy. 85 ; hangs the garrison of Granson, ib; defeated at Granson and at M. rat, ib. ; loses the a.liance of Savoy, ib. ; besieges Nancy, ib. ; overthrown by Rene of Lorraine, ib.; his death, ib. Ch.arles the Great, Emperor, his Frankish d. minions. 5. Charles the Bald, King of the West Franks and Emperor, 5 ; kingdom of. ib. Charles the Fat, Emperor, union of the Frankish kingd -ms under. 6 ; deposed, ib. ; pays the Northmen off from Paris, 7. Charles IV., Emperor, present at the battle of Crdry, 54. Charles V., Emperor, his accession and inheritance, 96; his wars Francis I., 97, 98; makes peace with Francis. 99; drivfs back the Turks, ib.; renews war with Francis, loi ; enters Aries, ib summ- ned by Francis, ib.; his visit to Fr.-incis, ib. ; war of Francis against, 1 '2 ; Peace of Crespy, tb.; war of, with Henry II. 103: his abdication, 1^. Charles VI., Emperor, competitor for the Spanish crown, 14S ; his Eng- lish alKance, 149 ; dnven out of Madrid. 150; elected emperor. 151 ; the Netherl.ands given to, ib. ; ob- tains the isl.ind • f Sicily, 153 ; j >ins the Quadruple All.ance, ih ; loses the Sicilies, 154 ; his Pragmatic Sanction, ib.; his death, 155. Charles VII., Emperor, his election, 155 ; his death, 156. Charles II. of Kugland, his alliance Lewis XIV., 141. Charles the Simple, crowned King of