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INDEX. 225 the West Franks, 8 ; murder of, ib. ; settlement of the Normans during his reign, ib. Charles IV. nf France succeeds his brother Philip, 51 ; his death, 52. Charles V., his treachery at Rouen, 56 ; his character, 57 : submits to Marcel, 58 ; escapes from Paris, ib. ; refutes the treaty of King John with Edward III., 59; his accession, 60 ; sends the Free Lances against Peter of Castile, 61 ; renews war with Edward III., ib. ; makes Du Guesclin Constable, 62 ; gives Mom- pellier to Charles of Navarre in exchange for County of Evreux, ib. ; declares the Duchy of Britanny forfeit to the crown, ib. ; his death, 63- Charles VI. , his accession, 63 ; his madness, 64 ; narrow escape from burning, ib. ; married to Isabel of Bavaria, ib. ; kindly treated by the Duchess of Orleans, 65 ; sends for John of Burgundy against Duke of Orleans, ib. ; his helplessness, 66 ; signs the treaty of Troyes, 69 ; his grief at the death of Henry V., 70 ; dies, lb. ; his burial, ib. Charles VII., under the influence of Duchatel, 68 : present at the murder ff John of Burgundy, 69 ; proclaimed king by the Armagnacs, 70 ; his in- activity, 71; crowned at Rheims, 72 ; influence of Agnes Sorel over, 73 ; his treaty with Philip of Bur- gundy, 74 ; received by Paris, 75 ; his Pragmatic Sanction, ib. ; be- sieges Pontoise, 76 ; his alliance with Emperor Frederick III., 77; be- sieges Rouen, ib. ; his campaign in Aquiiaine, 78 ; his title of '"Well Served," 79 ; his death, ib. ; his character, ib. Charles VIII., his birth, 83; Eliza- beth of York betrothed to. 84; offered in marriage to Mary of Bur- gundy, 86 ; Margaret of Austria betrothed to, ib. ; entrusted to Anno of Beaujeu, 88 ; marries Anne of Britanny, go; Comines' character of, i.b. ; his treaty with Maximilian, ib. ; releases Lewis of Orleans, /?'. ; claims the kingdom of Naples, ib. ; enters Florence, pi ; crowned at Naples, ib. ; victorious at Fornovo, ib. ; his death, 92. Charles IX., Catharine of Medici re- gent for, 107; married to Elizabeth of Austria, 112; allows the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew, ib. ; his death, ii. Charles X., 195; bis character, 199, 200; his accession and policy, ib. ; dissolves the Chambers, 201 ; his illegal acts, ib. ; revolution against, ib. ; his resignation, 202 ; embarks for England, ib. Charles II. of Spain, 141 ; 147 ; 148. Charles III. of Spain. King of the 1'wo Sicilies, 154 ; joins the Family Compact, 160. Charles IV. of Spain, his alliance with Buonaparte, 186 ; defeat cf his fleet at Trafalgar, 187 ; resigns the crown, 189. Charles XIV. of Sweden (Bemadotte) joins the A.llies against Buonaparte, 192 ; takes part in the battle of Liitzen, 194. Charles I., King of Navarre (Count of Evreux), murders Charles, Con- stable cf France, 56; called the Bad, ib. ; prevents the levy of pro- perty tax, ib. ; made prisoner by the Dauphin, id. ; released, 57; his entry into Paris, ib. ; made Captain- General by Stephen Marcel, 58 ; his county of Evreux attacked by Du Guesclin, 60; receives Mont- pellier m exchange for Evreux, 62. Charles, Archduke of Austria, defeated by Buonaparte at Eckmiihl, 191. Charlotte of Savoy, wife of Louis XL, 81. Chateau Gaillard, built by Richard I., 28; taken by Philip Augustus, .30- Chateauroux, Mdme. de, 155. Chatillon, Cardinal of, 107. Chauvin, see Calvin. Chilperic, King of the Franks, de- posed, 5. Chivalry, beginning of, 13. Choiseul, Duke of, his administration, 160, 161. Chi idwig. King of the Franks, growth of the Frankish power under, 4 ; the same name as Lewis, ib. , 10. Christianity renounced in the Conven- tion by Gobel, Archbishop of Paris, 174. Christina, Duchess of Savoy, 128; her regency, 132. Cinq Mars, Marquess of, his conspiracy against Richelieu, 133; beheaded, ib. Cintra, Convention of, 190. Cisalpine Republic, the, fotmed by Buonaparte, 178 ; changed into the " Kingdom of Italy," 186. Cispadine Republic, the, formed by Buonaparte, 178.