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a.a6 INDEX. Clalrvaux, Abbey of, founded by St. Bernard, 20. Clarence, Duke of, defeated and killed at Bauge, 69. Clement V., Pope, nominee cf Philip IV., 4S ; conditions imposed on by Philip, lb. ; crowned at Lyons. 43 ; removes the Papal seat to Avignon, lb. ; joins with Philip to destroy the Templars, zb. ; decrees the dissolu- tion of their order, 50; summons if Jacques de Molay to, ib. ; his death, ib. ; helps Philip to annex Ly^ns, ib. Clement VI., Pope, Avignon sold trv, by Queen Joan of Naples, 55. Clement VII., Pope (of Avignon), his disputed election, 64. Clement VII., Pope, succeeds Hadrian VI., 97; takes refuge in St. Angelo, 99; hi^ meeting with Francis I., 100 ; dies. ib. Clement VIII., Pope, absolves Henry IV., 120. C.'ericis hiicos. Bull of Boniface VIII., 47 ; burned by Philip IV., 48. Clermont, Council of, 17. Clovis, see Chlodwig. Cocherel, battle of, 60. CocL' Napoleon, the, 185. Colbert, his administration, 140; his death, 144. Coligny, Gaspard de. Admiral, defends St. Quentin against Philip II., 104; his character, 106; raises a Huguenot army, 108 ; commands the Huguenot party, no ; comes to court, in ; murdered, ib. Collot d'Hcrbois, 173. Colonna, Prospero, drives the French out from Italy, 94 ; taken prisoner, 95- Colonna, Sciarra, opposes Biniface VIII. at Anagni, 48. Comines, Philip of, panegyrist of Lewis XL, 87; his character of Charles VIIL, 90. Committee of Public Safety, the, be- gin the Reign of Terror by the e.xe- cution of the Girondins and the queen, 173 ; guided by Carnot, they raise and direct the military puwer of the country, 173. Commune of Paris, the, 214, 215. Communes, origin and growth of, 19, not favoured by Lewis VI., ib. Concini, Marquis d'Ancre, influence of over Mary of Medici, 125; his fall, 127. Concordat made by Napoleon with PiusVIL, J85. ConUe, Prince of, his rivalry wiih ilic Guises, 106 : consents to the con- spiracy of Amboise, ib. ; raises a Huguenot army, 108 ; made prisont- r at Dreu.x, 109 ; exchanged, ib. ; his inaction, ib. ; his death, ib. Conde, Henry, Prince of, 126, 12S; takes part in the Thirty Years' War, 132 ; his death, 136. Conde, Lewis II., Prince of, his Span- ish campaign, 134 ; his hatred" for Mazarin, 136; impris ned by Maza- rin, 137; enters Paris, 138; h,s trea- son, ib. ; made Governor of Bur- gundy, 139; commands the French at Senefl", 142. C nfederate Cantons, war of Frederick III. with. 77; war of, wiih Charles the Bold, 85 ; see Switzerland. Conflans, Treaty of, 81. Conrad, King of Burgundy, 9. O nrad II., King of Burgundy, his daughter Bertha married to Robert II., 12. Conrad III., King of Germany, goes en the second crusade, 23 ; besieges Damascus, ib. Constable of France, office of, 56 Constance of Britanny, married to Geoffrey, son of Henry II. of Eng- land, 24 ; mother of Arthur, 26 ; marries Guy da Thonars, 30. Constance of Castile, second wife of Lewis VII., 24. Constance of Toulouse, marries Robert II., 13 ; her confessor burned for heresy, ib. ; her cruelty, 14 ; helps Robert against Henry I., ib. C'lnstituent Assembly, set National Assembly Consulate, the, its establishment in France, 184, 185. Corday, Charlotte, murders Mar.u. 17a. Corfu, only insular possession of the French in Europe. 18S. Corneille, 140. Corsica anne.ved to France, 160. Coruiina, battle of, 190. Coucy, House of, its motto, 20 ; castle of. ib. Council of Five Hundred and Council of Elders, origin and functions of, Courcelles, battle of, ai2. Courtrai, battle of, 47 ; its characf'-r ib. Coutras, battle of. 115. Crecy, Thomas of Coucy besieged at by Lewis VI., 20 ; battle of, 54 Crcspy, Peace of, 102. Crimean V,-»r, the, 209, 210.