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INDEX. ^Zl at Coutras, n6 ; acknowledged as heir by Henry 111., 117: hU cha- racter, 118; his allies, ib. his victory at Ivry, ib. ; besieges Paris and- Rouen, 119; turns Catholic, 120; his entry into Paris, //'. ; banishes the Jesuits, ib. ; absolved by Clement VIII., ib. his victory at Fontaine Frangaise, ib. ; his rule, 121 ; wins back Amiens, ib. ; makes peace with Philip II. ; ib. ; grants of the Edict of Nantes, 122 ; divorces Margaret, 123 ; marries Mary of Medici, ib. ; growth of France under, 123 ; called the Great, ib. ; treachery of Duke of Biron against, 124 ; his campaign in Savoy, ib. ; murdered, 125. Herbert, Count of Verraandois, 8 ; 9 ; II- Heretics, first recorded burning of, 13. Hoche, General, drives back the allies on the Rhine, 173. Hochstedt, see Blenheim. Hogue, La, battle of, 147. Hohenlinien, battle of. 183. HohenzjUern, Leopold of, invited to assume the crown of Spain, 211 Holy League, the, 94. Holland, made into the Batavian Republic, 176 ; incorporated with France, 191 ; throws off the French yoke, 195. Hospitallers support the kingdom of Jerusalem, 17; character of their order, 18 ; in Rhodes, 49; lands of the Templars given to, 50 Hubert, Count of Maine, called Wake- the-Dig, under the guardianship of Geoffrey of Anj ju, 16. Hubert of Burgh, destroys the rein- f.rcements of Le«is the Lion. 32 Hugenon, Chancellor, adviser of Mary of Burgundy, 86; beheaded, /li. Huguenots, origin r f the name, ic6 ; favoured by Catherine of Mediri, ib., 107 ; massacre of, at Vassy, loS ; the wars of. ib. ; massacre of St Bartholomew, no; army of, joined by Henry of Navarre, 113; the victory at Coutras, 115 ; the victory at ITy, 118; position of, secured by the Edict of Nantes, 121 ; their in- dustry, 123 ; loss of their power and position, 128, 130, 145. Hugh, Abbot, defends Paris against the Northmen, 7 ; death of, ib. Hugh, the Great, Duke of the French, refuses the crown, 9 ; his part in bringing back Lewis IV , ib. ; Laon surrendered to, by Lewis, ib. ; hom- age of the Duke of the Normans to, ib. ; wars of, with Lewis, ib. ; death of, ib. Hugh Capet, Duke of the French, 9 ; crowned King of the Franks, 10; extent of his dominions, 11 ; his vassals, ib. ; causes his son Robert to be crowned, ib. ; his war with Aquitaine, ib., 12 ; character of, ib. Hugh, Count of Rodez, swears to the " Peace of God," 14. Hugh, Count of Vermandois, son of Henry 1., 16; joins the First Cru- sade, 17. Hugh of Lusignan, Count of La Marche, robbed by John of his betrothed wife, 29 ; takes up arms, ib. ; marries Isabel, 36 ; joins the League of Vassals, ib. ; refuses homage to Alfonso, Count of Poitou, 38. Hugh of Puiset, complaints of his ravages made to Lewis VI , 18; besieged in his castle by Lewis, ib. ; allies himself with the Count of Blois, 19 ; final repression cf, by Lewis, ib. Humbercourt, Lord of, ad'iser of Mary of Burgundy, 86 ; beheaded, ib. Humbert, sells his Dauphiny of Vien- nois to John, Duke of Normandy, 55- Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester, marries Jacqueline of Hainault, 70 ; makes war on Duke of Brabant, ib. ; gives up Jacqueline, 71 ; County of Flan- ders granted to, 74. Hundred Days, the, 197. 198. Hundred Years' War, 52. 1. Iberians, their settlement and language, 3- Illyrian Provinces, the, incorporated with France, 191. Inkermann, battle of, 209. Ingebiorg of Denmark, married to Philip Augustus. 28 ; divorced, ib. ; taken back by Phil, p. 29. Innocent IIL, Pope, lavs France under an interdict, 28 : 1 ffers the k.ngdom of England to Philip Augustus, 31 ; submission of John to, ib. his mis- si' ns of Cistercian monks to the Albigenses. 33 ; proclaims a crusade against Raymond, Count of Tou- louse, ib. ; Peter of Aragon appeals .j, against Simon of Montf.rt, 34 ;