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234 INDEX. h .Ids the Council of tlie Lateran, ih. ; receives Raymond and his son, 35 Innocent VI., Pope, 59. Innocent XL, Pope, opposes Lewis XIV., 143. . Iniiuisition, Origin of, 34 ; used by the Dominicans, ib. Invalides, les, remains of Napole-'n brought from St. Helena and de- posited in, 204. Ionian Islands, French conquest of, 178; various changes in the, 188; a commonwealth under English pro- tection. 197. Isabel of Angoulentie, betrothed to Hugh, Count of La Marcha, 29; married to John of England, ib. ; her second marriage with Count Hugh, 36 Isabel of Bavaria, wife of Charles VI., her character, 65 ; banished to Tours, 68 ; freed by John uf Burgundy, ib. ; causes Charles to sign the Treaty of 'Ir yes. 60. Isabel uf Bourbon, wife of Charles the Bold, 83. Isabel, wife of Edward II. of England, dethrones and murders her husband, 51- Isabel of France, married to Richard 11 , 65. Isabel of Hainault, married to Philip 11,26; her death, 27. Isabel of Lorraine, married to Ren^ of Anjou. 73, 76 ; asks aid of Charles VIL, A Isabella, II., Queen of Spain, 204, 211. Italian Liberatiin, War of. 2 ro. Italy, wars c,f Charles VIII. and Le->isXII. in, 90-94 ; war of Fran- cis, I. in, 95 ; wars of Charles V. and Francis in. gS; campaigns of Buona- parte in, 176, 177, 178. 183 ; Buona- parte's kingdom in, 186 ; deliverance of, 210. Ivry, battle of, 118. J. Jacob van Artevelde. risings of the Flemings in Ghent under, 53 ; killed, 54. Jacobms. vote for the king's death, 165, i63 ; origin of the name, ib. ; controlled by Mirabcau, 167 ; headed by Robespierre, 168. 171 ; arrest the Girondist party, 172. Jacqueline of liainault, her marri.ages, 70 ; her agreement with Philip o( Burgundy. 71. Jacgiterie, origin of the name, 58. Jac jues Coeur, lends money to Charles VII., 75 ; his influence with Ciiarles. 79 ; accused of murdering Agnes Sorel, ib.; his innocence, ib. ; his death, ib. Jacques Clement, murders Henry III., 117. Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, his imprisonment and trial, 50 : burnt, ib. his summons to Pope Clement V. and Philip IV., ib. Jaffa, besieged and taken by Buona- parte, 180. James. King of Aragon, his treaties with Lewis IX. and Henry III. of England. 43. James II. of England deposed, 146. James IV. of Scotland, killed at Flod- den, 95. Jaquetta of Luxemburg, second wife of John. Duke of Bedford, 74. lamac, battle of. no. Jaroslaf of Russia, his daughter mar- ried to Henrj' I., 16. Jemappes, battle of, 171. Jansenists, persecuted by Lewis XIV.. 152 ; by Lewis XV., 158. Jena, battle i f, 188. Jerome Buonaparte, see Buonaparte. Jerusalem, first cnisade to, 17 ; king- dom of. established, ib. ; kingdom of, governed by Fulk of Anjou. 21 ; second crusade to, 23 ; kingdom of, cl.aimed by Frederick II., 39. Jesuits restored by Pius VII., 199 ; popular feeling against them, 200. Joan. Countess of Hlois, her claim to the Duchy of Britanny, 53 ; helped by Philip VI., tb.; submission of, 60. Joan of Elois, heiress of Navarre, married to Philip the Fair, 45. Joan lT Bourbon, wife of Charles V., 58, 63. Joan Dare, her mission, 72 ; examined by Charles VI 1., ib. her influence with the soldiers, ib. ; defends ( ir- leans against the English, ib. ; vic- torious at Patay, ib. ; rouses Charles to be crowned at Rhcims, ib. ; refusal of her request 10 depart, ib. ; taken prisoner at Compiigne, ib. ; her im- prisonment and at Rouen, 73 ; her death, ib. Joan, C unless of Mont fort, defends HenneSonne, 53; carries on the war after her husband's death, 54.