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INDEX. 235 Joan, daughter of Lewis X., 51; married to Philip, Count of Evreux, 5? ; her claim to the French crown, ib. Joan I., Queen of Naples, sells Avignon to Clement VI., 55 ; adopts Lewis, Duke of Anjou, ib.. 64. Joan, Queen of Navarre, supports the reformers, 106, 108 ; comes to Catharine's Court, 110; her death, ib. Rrchelle fortified by, 112. Joan of Val lis. her marriage, 86 ; divorced by Lewis XIL, 92. John, son of Lewii IX., born at Da- mietta, 40 ; dies at Tunis, 44. John, Count of Montfort, marries Joan uf Flanders, 53 ; his claim to the Duchy of Britanny, ib. ; helped by Edward III. against the French, ib. ; taken prisoner at Nantes, ib. ; his escape and death, 54. John of Montfort, the younger, brought up in England, 54 ; fights at Auray under Sir John Chandos, 60 ; esta- blished in the Duchy of Britanny, ib. attacked by Oliver de Clisson, 63; makes peace with Charles VI., ib. ; hatred between him and the Constable de Clisson, 64. John of Chalons, Prince of Orange, heads the Breton revolt against Francis II., 89; taken prisoner by the French, ib. John, Duke of Bedford, his Regency and policy. 70 ; loses his first wife, Anne of Burgundy, 74 ; marries Jaquetta of Luxemburg, ib. ; his failing health and death, ib. John, Duke of Berry, hostage for his father's ransom, 59 ; guardian of Charles VI., 63. John III., Duke of Britanny, disputed succession to, on his death, 53. J'ihn the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, helps Sigismund against the Turks, 65 ; ransomed, ib. ; summoned by Charles VI. against Lewis of Or- leans, ib. ; fortifies Paris, ib. ; reconciled to Lewis, 66 ; murders Lewis, //', ; his despotic power, ib. ; driven out, ib. ; comes to the relief of Queen Isabel, 68 ; made Regent, ib. ; his truce with Henry V., ib. ; his meeting with the Dauphin, 69 ; murdered, ib. John, Duke of Calabria, joins the League of the Public Weal, 81. John I. of France, 51. John 11. of France attacks Hainault, 53 ; Dauphiny of Viennois sold to, by Humbert, 55 ; succeeds his father. ib.; his character, ib.; summons the States-General, 56 ; defeated at Poitiers, ib. ; taken prisoner, 57 ', Peace of Bretigny made, 59 ; his son's hostages for his ransom, ib.; surrenders himself again to Edward, ib.; dies, ib.: grants the Duchy of Burgundy to his son Philip, 60. John of England, his rebellion against his father, 27 ; alliance of Philip Augustus with, 28 ; his claims ac- knowledged in England and Nor- man ly on Richard's death, 29 : cedes the County of Evreux to Philip, ib ; marries Isabel of Angouleme, t'b.; Lakes Arthur of Britanny prisoner, ib.; loses Normandy, 30; charged with the murder of Arthur, ib. ; condemned by the Peers of France, ib.; submits to the Pope, 31; lands at Rochelle, ib. ; defeated by Lewis the Lion, ib.; forced by his barons to grant the Great Charter, 32 ; em- ploys the Brabangon mercenaries, ib.; his death, ib. John of Luxemburg, King of Bohemia, killed at the battle of Crecy, 54. John Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvois, President at the trial of Joan Date, 73- John Petit, 60. John XXII., Pope, persecutes the Franciscans, 51. Joinville, biographer of Saint Lewis, 39- . Joinville, Prince of, 203. Jo.seph Buonaparte, see Buonaparte. Joseph I., Emperor, 151. Josephine, wife of Napoleon Buona- parte, 182 ; her coronation, 186; her divorce, 191. Jourdan, General, 176, 178, 194. Joyeuse, Duke of, favourite of Henry III., 115 ; killed at Coutras, 116. Julian, Emperor, his fondness for Paris or Lutetia, 4. Julius II., Pupe, forms the League of Cambray and the Holy League, 94. Julius III , Pope, 103 Junot, Marshal, his campaign ir the Peninsular War, 189 ; defeated by Wellington, 190. K. growth Karlings, dynasty of, 5 ; of ther power, ib. Karolingia, kingdom of, 5, 6; name dies out, 10. Katharine of France, demanded in