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236 INDEX. marriage by Henry V., 67 ; marriage agreed to, 6g. Kaunitz, minister of Empress Maria Theresa, 159. Kellerman. General, takes Lyons, 173. " King of the French," btginaing of the title, 10; borne by Lewis XVL, 168 ; restored by LouiS Philippe, 202. " King of Rome," title given to the son of Napoleon L, 191. Kleber, General, 173, 180. Konlgsberg, King and' Queen of Prussia take refuge in, 188 ; captured by the French, 1S9. La Fayette, IMarquis, takes part in tlie American war, 163 ; chosen captain of the National Guard, 166 ; tries to escape to Holland, 169; captured by the Austrians and imprisoned, ih. ; released, 178 ; proposes a provisional government in 1830, 201 ; commands the National Guard. 202. La Feuillade, General, 149. La Hogue, battle of, 147. La Palisse, General, taken prisoner by Gonzalvo, 93. La Renaudie. forms the conspiracy of Amb jise, 106; killed, ib. La Rochelle, see Kochelle. La Koquette, 213. La R)thiere. battle of, 195. La Vendee, revolt of, 171 ; army of, defeated, 173. Labourdonnais, governor of Mauritius, 159. Lama ^ne, Alphonse de, 2c6. 207. Landais, favjurite of Francis IL of Britanny, 89 ; kdled, ib. Langue d'Oc, where spoken, 11, 32. La on, capital of the Karlings, 6 ; sur- rendered to Hugh the Great by Lewis IV., 9 : dealings of Lewis VL with, 19 : commune of, 20 ; insurrec- tion in, ih ; asks help of Thomas of Coucy, ib ; battle of, 195 ; ^German occupation of, 213. " Ladies' Peace." the, 99. Lateran C'^uncil, the, 34, Lautrec, French governor of Milan, revolt against, 97 ; commands the French in Italy, 9S ; dies of pesti- lence, 99. Law, James, his speculations, 153. Lawfelt, battle of, 156. Le Mans, commonwealth of, 19 ; sur- renders to William the Conqueror, i6 ; German occupation of, 213. League of the Public Weal, 80 Lebrun, third Consul of France, 182, Lech, battle of the, 134. Leclerc, sent out to Haiti by Buona- parte, 184 ; his death, ib. Lefevre, 100. Legations, conquered by Buonaparte, 178. Legislative Assembly, the, 168 ; offers shelter to the Royal family, 169, 173; its dissolution, ib. Leipzig, battle of, 194. Lens, battle of, 134. Leo X., Pope, his character, 96 ; his meeting with Francis I., tb.; his policy, 97 ; his death, ib. Leonardo da Vi.ici, 100. Leopold, Duke of Austria, takes Richard I. prisoner, 28. Leopold, Emperor, his death. 150 Leopold, Emperor, brother of Marie Antoinette, 16S. Le >pold of Hohenzillern, invited to assume the crown of Spain, zii. I.etlres de cachet. 144. Lewis, Count of Flanders, revolt of the Flemings against, 52 ; his alliance with Philip VI., ib. f rb:ds the trade in wool with Engl.tnd, 53 ; rising of Jacob van Arievelde, against, ib : dies at Crecy, 55. Lewis (Le Male), Count of Flanders, revolt against, 62 ; takes refuge with Charles V., ib.; helped by his son- in-law, Philip of Burgundy, 63 ; his death, ib. Lewis, Dauphin, son of Charles VI., joins the Armagnacs, 66 ; his answer to Henry V., 67 ; fights at Az.ncour, ib. his early death, 68. Lewis, Duke of Anjou, ad ipted by Ji an I. of Navarre, 55, 63 ; hostage for King John's ransom, 59 ; de- feated by Charles of Durazzo, 64 ; dies, ib. Lewis, Duke of Bourbon, his pedigree, Lewis of Bourbon, his election to the Bishopric of Lifege, 81 ; driven out, 82 ; second revolt against, ib. Lewis, Duke of Orleans, see Orleans. Lewis the Pious, Emperor, 5. Lewis, the German, kingd im of, 5. Lewis IV., Emperor, his alhance with Edward III. of England, 53. Lewis IV., King of the West Franks, 9 ; wars of, with Hugh the Great, ib ; deaih of, ib. Lewis v., King of the West Franks, to.