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23S INDEX. character. 129 ; besieges Rochelle ; his death, 133. Lewis XIV., his accession. 133 ; for- bids the meeiincs of Parliament, 13S ; marries Maria Teresa of Spain, 139; his government and power, ib., 140; buys Dunkirk, 141 ; annexes Franche-Corate, ib. Triple Alliance formed against, ib. ; his alliance with Charles II , ib. ; his war wi- h the United Provinces, ib. ; takes Valenciennes. 142 ; his annexations, ih. seizes Strassburg, ib. bombards; Algiers, 143 ; submission of Genoa to, ib. ; his dispute with Inn jcent XI., ib. ; his despotic government, 143, 144 ; his expenditure, ib. : marries Mdme. de Slaintenon, ib. ; revokes the Edict of Nantes, 145 : makes war on the Palatinate and on Savoy, 146 ; his alliance wi;h Mahomet II., ih. beseges Mons, ib. ; signs the Peace of R) swick, 147 ; makes peace with Savoy, ib. ; his share in the Spanish Success.on war, 148-151 ; annexes Orange, 151 ; persecutes the Jansenists, 152 ; suppresses Port Royal, ib. ; his counsel to his great-grandson, ib. ; his death, ih. Lewis XV., Philip of Orleans regent for, 152 ; marries Maria Leczinski, 154; compared with Lewis XIV, 155 I h's campaigns, ib. ; state of France under, 157 ; attempt on his life, 158 ; expels the Jesuits, ib. ; h.s death, 161. Lewis XVI ., his character, 162 ; abo- lishes torture, 163 ; his min.sters, 163, 164 ; assembles the XotabKs. 164 ; defied by Philip of ('(rleans, ib. : calls the States-General, 165 ; revolut.on against, i66, 167, 168 ; attacked in the Tuileries, 170; im- prisoned in the I'emple, ib. ; his trial and execution, 171, 172. Lewis XVIII., 176; his accession, 196 ; his char.icter, 197 ; to Ghent, ib. : restored by the Allies, 19S ; his rule, i 9 ; his de.ath, 200. Liege, Lewis of Bourbon elected Bishop of, 81 : Commonwealth, set up in. 82 ; makes the "Piteous Peace," i^ ; revolt in, ib. ; sacked by Charles the Bold, 83. Ligny, battle of, 198. Ligurian Republic, formed by Buona- parte, 178; annexed to France, 186. Lille, taken by lewis XIV., 141 ; be- sieged by the Allies, iqo. Limoges, t.ikcn by ihe Black Prince, 62 Linze, battle of, 146. Lisle, Adam, leads Burgundian.s into Paris, 68 j admits the royal lO c<.s into Paris, 75. Lodi, battle of, 177. Lombardy g.ven to Sardinia. 210. Lorraine, mjdern name of Lotharin- gia, 5; Lower, ceded by Otto 11., to, see Brabar.t ; seized by Charles the Bold, 84 : French occupation of, 142 : annexed by France, 154, i6o ; German occupation of, 213 ; restored to Germany, 214 Lothar I., Emperor, his kingdom, 5 Lothar, King of the West-Franks, succeeds I^ewis IV., 9 ; his war with Emperor Otto II., 10 ; dies. ib. Lotharingia. kingdom of, 5 ; v perma- nent fief of Germany, n ; see Lor- rai.-.e. Louis, origin of the name, 4 ; sai lewis. " Louis des hititres," a nicknanvi given to Lewis XVIII., 197. Lou.s Philippe, elected King, 202 ; his early life, ib. ; his marriage, ib. ; his popularity, ib. ; his ministers, 203 ; his sins, ib. ; the .Spanish mar- riages, 204 ; revolution against, 205 : his abdication, 206 ; escapes to England, ib. Louise of Savoy, mother of Fram is I., 95 ; rejected hy Charles of Bour- bon. 97 ; her share in the "Ladies' Peace," 99. Louise of Vaudemont, wife of Henry III., 113. Louisiana, French colony of, 158; Spanish conquest of, 161. Louvre Museum, set up by the Direc- tory. 177 ; spoils of Buonaparte in, ib. Luuvois, minister of war to Lewis XIV., 140, 146. Lowe. Sir Hud^^n, keeper of Bucna- pane in St. Helena, 198. Lubeck, annexed by Buonaparte, 191. Ludovico Sf ria, suppons Ch.irles Vril. in his claim to kiigdom of Naples, 91 ; succeeds to Duchy of Milan, ib. : j lins the league against the French, ib. ; taken prisoner to France, 93. Luneville. Peace of, 183 Lutetia, Roman name for Paris, 3 ; dwelling-place of the Emperor Julian, 4. Lutzen, battle of, 194. Luxemburg, Duchy of, 2ti. Luxemburg, Duke of. M.irshal, his campaign in the war of the P.ilati- nate, 146.