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I.VDEX. 239 Luynes, Charles Albert, Duke of, his ministry, 127, 128 ; his death, 128. Lyons, Roman origin of, 3 ; position of the Archbish p tf, ib. ; a];nexed by Philip IV., 50; taken by Keller- man, 173; massacre in, ib. M. MacMahon, Marshal, defeated at Worth, 212; at Sedan, ib.; suireu- ders, lb. ; besieges Paris, 215; Pre- sident of the Republic, 216 ; his resignation, ib. Mack, Austrian General, 187. Madrid, Treaty of, yS. Magenta, battle of, 210. Maine, restored to Rene of Anjou, 76. Maine, Duke of, 152. Mainteni n, Mdrne. de, her influence over Lewis XIV., 144, 146, 152. Mainz captured by Gei.eral Cusline, Mahomet II., Sultan, his alliance with Lewis XIV., 146. Maitland, Captain, surrender of Buo- naparte to, 19S. Malakofif, attack on the, 209. Malplaquet, battle of, 150. Malta, taken by Buonaparte, 179; blockaded by Nelson, ib. Maltole, tax imposed by Philip IV., 47- Manny, Sir Walter, comes to the re- lief of Joan of Monifort, 53. Mantes, burned by William the Con- queror, 16. Mantua, Duchy of, disputed by Spain and France, 130: formed with M.Ian into the Tianspadane Republic, 178. Mar.<t, Jacobin leader, 171 ; murdered by Charlotte Corday, 172. Marcel, Stephen, Provost of the mer- chants of Paris, 57 ; his power, ib. ; kills the French Marshals, ib., 58 ; submission of the Dauphin to, ib. ; himself with the Jacquerie, ib., makes Charles of Navarre Captain-general of Paris, ib. ; his death 59. Marengo, battle of, 183. Margaret, daughter of Francis I , marries Emmanuel Filibert of Savoy, 105. Margaret of Anjou marries Henry VI. of England, 76. Margaret of Austria, betrothed to Dauphin Charles (VIII.), 86; her dowry, ib. ; sent back to Maximilian, 90. Margaret of Flanders marries Philip, Duke of Burgundy, 62. Margar. t. Queen of Navarre, her marriage, 98 ; protects the French Reformers, 100. Mar^^aret of Penthievre, her marriage, Margaret of Provence, marries Lewis IX., 38; goes on the last crusade, 39; gives birth t j John (Tristan) at Damietta, 40. Margaret of Valois, 114; her charac- ter, 123 ; divorced from Henry IV., ib. Margaret of York, .second wife of Charles the Bold, 83. Mar.a Leczinski, wife of Louis XV., '54- Maria Louisa of Austria, marries Napoleon Buonaparte, 191 ; takes refuge at Blois, 196 ; Duchies of Parma and Piacenza given to, ib. Maria leresa of .Spain, marries Lewis XIV., 139; renounces her claim to the Spanish succession, ib. ; her death, 144. Maria 'I'heresa, Queen of Hungary and Empress, her claim 10 the Aus- trian Succession, 155 ; married to Francis of Tuscany, ib. ; her pos- sessions confirmed by Peace of Aix- la-Chapelle, 156 ; her alliance with Mdme. de Pompadour, 160. Marie Amehe, wife of Louis Philippe, 202, 206. Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI., 161 ; her character, 162 ; nickname given to, 164 ; her life threatened, 167 ; flies from the Tuileries, 169 ; imprisoned in the Temple, 170 ; her trial and execution, 173. Marignano, battle of, 95. Marlbrough, Duke of, his Spanish campaigns, 148-151; his victories, ib. Marmont, General, defeated by Wel- lington at Salamanca, 192 ; defeated at ivlontmartre, 196 ; submits to the allies, ib. ; defends the Louvre in 1830, 201. Marseilles, rising of, in favour of Raymond VI. of Toulouse, 35; massacres in, 173. Mariinique, French colony of, 159. Mary Queen of Scots, sent to France, 103 ; marr.ed to Francis II., 105. Mary of Brabaiit, second wife of Philip III., 45 Mary of Burgundy offered in mar- riage to difleicnt Pnnces by Charles the Bold, S3 ; Dauphin Charles