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240 INDEX. offered in marriage to, 86 ; Lewis XI. makes war on, ib. ; marries Maximilian, ib. ; her death, ib. Mary of Lorraine, wife of James V., sends 'iAz.xy Queen of Sects to France, 103. Mary of Medici, wife of Henrj' IV., her character, 123 ; crowned, 125 ; her regency, ib. ; retires to Blois, 127 ; attempts the overthrow of Richelieu, 131 ; her banishment and death, ib. Mary Tudor, marries Lewis XII., 95. Marzin, General, killed at Turin, 149. Massena, besieged in Genoa, 183 ; defeated by the Archduke Charles, 187 ; his campaign in Spain, 191. Massacres of September. 1792, 170. Matilda ot Flanders, wife of William the Conquer.r, 16. Maiilda of England, marries Henry v., 21 ; marries Gecffrey of Anjou, ib. ; disputes the Duchy of Nor- mandy with Stephen of Elois, 24; succession uf her son to the English throne, ib. Maurice of Saxe, Marshal, his vic- tories, 156. Maupeon, Chancellor, i6x. Maurcpas, Count of, minister of Lewis XV., 161 : his administration under Lewis XVI., 163 : his death. 164. Mauritius, French colony of, 159. Maximilian I., King of the Romans, Mary of Burgundy offered in mar- riage to, 83 ; marries Mary, 86 ; forces Lewis XL to a truce, ib. ; Anne of Britanny offered in mar- riage to, 89 ; kept prisoner at Bruges, ib. ; gains Artois and County of Burgundy by Peace of Senlis, 90 ; joins the league against Charles VIII , 91 ; his share in the League of Cambray, 94 ; fights at Giiinegatte, 95 ; his death, 96. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 210. Mayors of the Palace, 5. Mazarin, Cardinal, his administratis n, '33 ! '34 • attacked by the Frk.nde, 136 : impris ns Conde, 137; makes the Peace of the Pyrenees, 139 ; leaves Paris, ib. ■ recaiicd by Anne of Austria, ib. ; his death, ib. Meaux, castle of. be^iejed, 58, 69. Mclicent, wife of Fulk of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, 21, 22 ; guardian for her son. Baldwin III., ib. Melun, Parliament of Lewis VI. at, 18. Memlooks, defend Egypt against the Crusaders, 39. 41 ; Egypt rescued from, 180. Merwings, Frankish dynasty of, 4. Metz, attacked by Rene of Anjou, 77 : seized by Henry II., 103; form.-J cession of, to France, 135 ; siege of, 213; surrenders, 214; restored to Germany, ib. Mexxan War, the, 210. Milan, Duchy of, claimed by Lewis XII. (Duke of Orleans), 91, 92; receives Lewis, 93 ; restored to House of Sforza, 94 ; claimed by Francis I., 95 : defended by the Swiss, ib. ; French conquest of, 96 ; t4ie French driven out of, 97 : French siege of, ib. ; begged of Charles V. by Francis. 102 ; taken by Bu .naparte, 178; made into the Transpadine Republic, //'.; Buona- parte crowns himself at, 186. Mincio, batile of the, 177. Mirabeau, Count cf, his answer to Lewis XVI., 165 ; Marie Antoinette seeks counsel of. 167 : his death, ib. Modena and the Legations made into a Cispadane Republic, 178. Mole, iilatthew. President of the Par- liament of Paris, 136. MoLere, 140. Moncontour, battle of. no. Mons. battle of, 47; besieged by Lewis XIV., 146 Montauban, besieged by Lewis XIII., 128. Montenotte, attack on the Austrian and Sardinian armies at, 177. Mon.ereau. Battle of, 193. Montesquieu, Baron of, kills Conde at Jarnac, no. M ntfaucon. gibbet cf, 45. Montgomery, Count of, kills Henry II. by accident, 105. Montl'hery, battle of, 8i. Montmartre, battle cf, 19?. Montmirail, baitle of, 195. Montmorency, C unt of, Constable, his defence of Provence, 101 ; his influence with Francis, ib.; devotion of Henry II. for, 103 ; taken pri- soner at St. Quentin, 104 : recalled by Catharine of Medici, 107 ; forms the Triumvirate against the Cal- vinists, ib. enters Paris with the Duke of Guise, 108 ; taken prisoner at Dreux, 109 ; exchanged for Cr ndtf, ib. ; his death, 1 10. Montmorency, Henry, Duke of, at- tempts the overthrow of Richelieu, 131 ; taken prisner at Cistelnaudry, ib. beheaded, ib.