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INDEX. % Montpellier, given to Charles of Na- varre by Charles V., 62 ; taken by Conde, 128. Montpensier, Lewis VIII. dies at, 36. Monipensier, Duchess of, 116, 117, 120. Moore, Sir John, his retreat from Corunna. 190 ; his death, ib. Moral, battle of, 85. Moreau, General, 178 ; his German victories, 183 ; his arrest, 184; exiled, ib.; his death, 194. Moscow, entered by the French, 193 ; burning of, ib. Mount Tabor, battle of, 180. Mountain, the name of the extreme party in the Legislative Assembly and the National Convention, led by Robespierre, 168. Miinster, Peace of, 136. Murat, Joachim, " le beau sabreur," 180 ; kingdom of Naples given to, 190 ; made Grand Duke of Berg, i83 ; shot. 198. Muret, battle of, 34. Murten, see Morat. N. Naraur, anne.xed by purchase to Bur- gundy, 71 ; taken by Lewis XIV., 146. Nancy, besieged by Charles the Bold, 85, 214. Nantes, taken by the French, 53 ; exe- cutions at, 173. Nantes, Edict of, 121, 122 ; revoked, 145. Naples, kingdom of, claimed by Charles VIII., 90; coronation of Charles at, 91 ; recovered by Fer- dinand, 92 ; kingdom of, divided between Lewis XII. and Ferdinand of Aragon, 93 ; the French driven out of, ib.; Parthenopean Republic of, i8i ; kingdom of, given to Murat, 188. National Assembly, the, its origin, 165 ; attacked by the mob, 166 ; con- stitutional changes made by, 167 ; dissolution of, 168. National Convention, the, its proceed- ings, T70 ; two parties in, 171; tries Lewis XVI., ib. ; Worship of Reason established by, 174 ; under the Gi- rondins, 175 ; its dissolution, 176. National Guard, the, its origin, 166, 170 ; dissolved by Charles X., 200 ; commanded by La Fayette. 202 ; its part in the revolution of 1848, 206, 207 ; its want of strength, 214. Naval Power, overthrow of the French, 186. Navarete, battle of, 61. Navarino, battle of, 201. Navarre, united to France by the mar- riage of Philip the Fair. 45 ; king- dom of, claimed and conquered by Ferdinand of Arag in, 94; part of the dominions of Charles V-, 96; united to France under Henry IV., 118. Neal. Viscount of the Cotentin, his defeat at Val-es-Dunes, 15, 16. Necker, his financial adniini-tration, 164; his resignation, ib.; recalled to office, 165 ; dismissed by Lewis, 166 ; restored, ib. Nedjid Eddin Sultan, 39. Nelson, Admiral, destroys the French fleet at Aboukir, 179 ; his great victory and death at Trafalgar, 187. Nemour.?, Duke of, 80 ; joins the League of the Public Weal, 81 ; his death, 86. Nemours, Duke of, defends Paris against Henry of Navarre, 119. Neuss, besieged by Charles the Bold, Neiistria, origin of the name, 4 ; forms part of Kar jlingia, 5. New Caledunia, expatriation of Com- munists to, 215 Ney, Marshal, his bravery in the re- treat from Moscow, 193 ; his titles, ib. ; his desertion to Buonaparte, 197 ; defeated at Quatre Bras, 19S ; his trial and death, 198, 199. Nice, Turkish siege of, 102. Nikopolis. battle of, 65. Nile, battle of the, 179. Nimwegen, Peace of, 142. Nizza, county of, annexed by Lewis Napoleon Buonaparte, 210. Noailles, Marslial, defeated at Det- tingen, 155. Nordlingen. battle of, 134. Notables, Assembly of, 164. Normandy, Duchy of, its beginning, 8 ; attacked by Heniy I. of France, 13; French conquest of, 30; second French conquest of, 77 ; granted t > Charles, Duke of Berri, 81 ; resumed by Lewis XL, ib. Normans. Dukes of the, 8 ; owe hom- age tc the Dukes of the French, 9. Nonhmen, their attacks on Paris, 7 ; agreement of Charles the Simple with, ib. ; settlement of, under Rolf, 3. Novi, battle of, ^81. R