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246 IiVDEX. king, ih. ; dies, ib. ; his grant to R..lf, lb. Robert the Strong, his defence o Paris against the Northmen, 7 ; his title of Count of Paris, zb. killed in battle, ib. Robert the Magnificent, Duke of the Normans, helps Henry I. against his brother Robert, 14; goes on a pilgrimage, 15 ; dies at Nicsea, ii Robert, Duke of Normandy joins the First Crusade, 17. Robert II., King, crowned in his father's lifetime, 11; his succession, 12 ; his character, ib. ; compjses hymns for the monks of St. Denys, ib. ; his marriage, ib. ; divorced, 13 ; his second marriage with C' n'tar.ce of TouLuse, ib. ; burning of heretics by, ib ; later years of, 14. Robespierre, Maximilian, leader of the Jacobins, 168; arrests Dant' n, 174; his rule and opinions, 175 ; his fall and execution, ib. Roche Derricn, battle of, 55. Rochelle, John of England lands at, 31 ; won by Lewis VIII., 36 ; stn ng- hold of Huguenots, 112; block- ade of, 178; besieged by Lewis XIII. and' Richelieu, 129 ; loses her freedom, ih. Rocroy, Spanish riege of, 134. Rodolf, Kin:; 0! Aries, sells his glits to Emperor ( )tto III., 12. Rohan. Duke of. heads the Huguenots in Rochelle, 129. Roland, Madame, 168. Rolf, settlement of 8 ; founder of the Duchy of Normandy, ib. Romagnola, battle of, 97. Roman Republic, iSi. Romance languages, origin of, 6. Romano di St. Angelo, c.irdinal legate, his cruel treatment of the county vi Tuulouse, 37. Rome, her first province in Transalpine Gaul, 3 ; Cisalpine Gaul conquered by, ib. ; her cities in Southern Gaul. ib. ; sack of, 9S ; seized by Buona- parte, 181 ; made into a Roman Republic, ib. ; King of, title given to the son of Napoleon I., 191 ; French occupation ( f, 208. Rossbach, battle of, 160. Rosbecque, battle of, 63. Rostopchin, Governor of Moscow, fires the city on the approach of the French, 193. Rouen, settlement of Rolf at, 18 ; siege of, 30; taken by the English, 68: acknowledges Henry VI., 70; trial and burning of Joan Dare at, 73 ; besieged by Charles VII., 77 ; siege of, 108 ; taken by Duke of Guise, ib. ; German occupation of, 213. Rcusillon, a fief of France, 11 ; held by Peter r.f Aragcn, 34 ; Lewis IX. gives up his claim to the homage of, 43- Rousseau, his writings, 161. Rudjlf, Duke of Burgimdy. chosen King of the West Franks, 8 Ryswick, Peace tf, 147. Saarbrucken, bombardment of, 212. St. Andre, Marshal de, jo ns the Triumvirate, 107 ; enters Paris with Duke of Guise, 108. St. Aubin-sur-Carnier, treaty signed at, between Blanche of Castile and the Barons, 37. St. Aubin de Cormieres, battle of, 89. Sainte Chapelle, the, built by Lewis IX., 39. St. Denys, Abbey of, desecrated by the Northmen, 7; Robert II. com- poses hymns for the na^nks of, 12 ; battle of, 110. St. Helena, Bucnaparte banished to, 198. St. Jacob, battle cf. 77. Saint John, Knights of, see Hospital- lers. St. Lucie, naval battle of, 163. St. Pol, Count of. made constable, 81 ; Charles the Bold makes war tn. 84 ; his trial and e.xecution, //'. St. Quentin, taken by Charles the Bold, 84; besieged by Philip II., 104 ; batile of, 213. Saisset, Bernard of, Bishop of Pa- miers, sent by Boniface IV. to re monstrate with Philip IV., 47; hi. antipathy, ib. ; arrested and tried b> Philip's parliament, ib. ; released and banished, 48. Salah-ed-deen (Saladin) defeats Guv of Lusignan, 26; the Holy City surrenders to, 27. Salamanca, battle of, 192. Sardinia, beginning of the kingdom of. 153 ; treaty of, with France against Emperor Charles. 154 ; King ot'. makes an armistice with the French. 177; and surrenders the great for;- resses which guard the entrance to Italy, ib. Salibach, battle of, 142. Savoy, Duchy of, allied wiiJi Charles