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INDEX. 247 the Bold, 85; with France, ib. claimed by Francis I., loi ; the French driven out of, ib.; French invasion of, 146 ; ravaged by Duke of Vend6me, 149; dukes of, become kings of Sardinia. 153 ; duchy of, annexed by Lewis Napoleon Buona- parte, 210. Saxony, Elector of, defeated at Jena, 188 ; joins the Rhenish Confederal ion as king, 189 ; duchy of Warsaw given to, ib. joiLS Napoleon in 1813, 194. Sebastopol. siege of, 209. Sedan, battle of, 212. Selim II., Sultan, his aU'.ance with Kngland against Buonaparte, 1 79. 180. Seneff. battle of. 142. Senlis, Peace of, go. Seven Years' War, the, 159 — 161. Sevigne, Marie de, 141. Sicily, kingdom of, offered to Lewis IX. for his son, 43 ; accepted by Charles of Anjou, 43, 44 ; island of, lost by Charles, 44 : island of, given to Victor Amadeus of Savf y, 151 ; won back hy Spa n, 153 ; ex- changed for Sard.nia, ib.; Spanish conquest of. 155 ; protected by Eng- lish fleet, iSi, 188. " Sicilies, Two, the." origin of the name, 94; part tf the domin.on cf Charles V., 96 ; division of, 151 ; united under Charles III., 154 ; the king and queen of the, renounce their alliance with France, 181. Siees, head of the Directory, 182; second consul of France, 182. Sigismund, Duke of Austria, mort- gages his lands to Charles ihe Bcjd. 83. Simon, a brutal shoemaker keeper of the Dauphin. 176. Simon, Count of Montfort, heads the crusade against the Albigenses, 33 ; answer of Abbot Maury to, 34 ; lands of Viscount Raymond Beziers given to. ib.; his conquests, ib.; de- feats Peter of Aragon at Muret, ib. ; his power confirmed by the Lateran Council, 35 ; besieges Toulouse, ib.; his death, ib. Sixtus v.. Pope, 115. Sluys, battle of, 53. Smith, Sir Sidney, 180. Soissons, Bishop of, his admor.ition to Lewis XV., 155. Soissons, Synod of, condemns the the- ology taught by Abailard, 20. Solferino, battle of, 210. Somerset, Duke of. surrenders Rouen to Charles VII., 7 . Sorbonne, Henry de, founds a theo- logical college in Paris, 38 ; supported by Richelieu, 133. Soult, Marshal, 190, 192, 195. Spain, Peninsular War carried on in, 189. Spanish marriages, the, create a stir in Europe. 204. Spanish Succession, question of the, 147 ; War of the, 148, 151. Speyer, French occupation of, 146. Spurs, battle of the, 15. Standing army, beginning of. 76. Stanislaus Leczinski, king of Poland, 154- States-General, the, summoned by John, 56 ; confirm the gabelle, ib. ; assembled by the dauphin Charles, 57 ; convoked by the Cabcchins, 66 ; put forth the Cab' chin ordinance, ib.; ccnvoked at Orleans, 75 ; con- voked at Elois, 116; meeting cf, under Lewis XIII., 126, 127 ; sum- moned by Lewis XVI., 165. Steenkirk, battle of, 146. Stephen, king of England, his war with the Empress Matilda, 24. Stewart, John. Earl cf Buchan, con- stable of France, 70 ; killed at Verneuil, 71 Strassburg, annexed by Lewis XIV., 142; French possession of confirmed by peace of Ryswick, 147 ; German siege of, 212 ; surrenders, 213. Swiss, agreement of Lewis XI. with, 77 ; help the Alsatians against Charles the Bold, 84; defend Milan. 95 ; defeated at Marignano, 96. Swiss Guards, the, massacred at the Tuileries, 169. Suger, Abbot, minister of Lewis VI , 18 ; of Lewis VII., 22 ; influence of ■. St. Bernard's teaching on, ib.; his death, 23. Sully, Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of, minister of Henry IV., 121 ; hn administration, 123; his artillery, 125 ; neglect shown to, 126. Surat, settlement at, 159. Suvaroff, Marshal, gains the battle o* Novi, 181. Sybil of Anjou, wife of Guy of Lusignan, 27. Swi'zerland. invaded by Buonaparte, 180; changed into the Helvetic Republic, 181. Tahiti, 203. Taillebourg, battle of, ^8. Talavera, battle of, i<^.