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248 INDEX. Talbot, Earl of Shrewsburj', defends Pontoise against Charles VII., 76; killed at Castilltn. 78. Talleyrand, his ministry, 196, 197, 'Q'l- . . Tallien, his denunciation cf Robes- pierre, 175. Tarascon, Peace of, 45. Telemachus, 151. Templars, m.litary order, f rm the chief Hrength of the kingdom of Jerusalem. 17 ; guardians of the temple. 18 ; persecution cf, by Philip IV., 49; order of, dissolved by Clement V., 50. Terouenne, besieged and taken by the Knglish, 95. The. I bald. Count of Bloi=, 18 ; his alliance with Hugh of Puiset, 19; taken prisoner by Lewis VI.. ib. Theobald of Blois, Ci unt of Chartres, war of Lewis VII. with, 22; his daughter Alice married to Lewis, 24. Theobald VI. of Blois, Cjunt of Champagne, joins the rebellion against Blanche of Castile, 36; detached by Blanche. 37 ; becomes her knight, ib. ; rebels against Lewis IX., 38; his submission, ib. be- comes King of Navarre, ib. ; sale of his cities to Lewis, ib. Theobald II., King of Navarre, mar- ried to Isabel of France, '44 ; goes on the last crusade of Saint Lewis, ib. Thiers, minister of Louis Philippe, 203, 206: imprisoned by Lewis Na- poleon, 208; pr iposes a Government of National Defence, 213 ; head of the executive power, 214; resigns the presidency, 216. Thirty Years' War, share of France in, 131—135. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury opposes Henry ll , 25; takes re- fuge in France, ib. ; his friendship with Lewis, ib. ; created Legate by Alexander III , ib. ; pilgrimage of Lewis to his shrine, ib. Th^^imas of Coucy, his help called for, by the burghers of Laon. 20 : jins his father in raids upon Amiens, ib. ; attacked by Lewis VI., ib. Thomas Clement, General, shot by the Communists, 215. " Three Days of July," revolution of, 201. T ilxirias, battle of. 27. Tilsit, Peace of, 189. Torres Vcdras, igt. Toul, Bishopric of, seized by Henry II., 103; formal cession of to France, 135. Touljn. massacres in, 173. Toul luse. County of, a fief of Aqui- taiie, 22 ; Henry II. of Lngland makes claim to, 24 ; County of, spread of Albigensian heresy in, 33 ; conquered by Simon of Mont- f rt, 34; besieged by Simt n of Montfort, 35 ; rest' red to Raymond VII., ib.; besieged by Lewis VIII., 36 ; lapses to the French Crown, Tourass Chah, Memlojk emir, his threats to Lewis IX. and the Cru- saders. 40 ; his death, ib. Touri, besieged by Hugh of Puiset, 19. Tournai, taken by the French, 156. Tournay, Peace of. 95 T ussaint L'Ouverture, his imprison- ment and death, 184. Towns, establishment oC Communes in. 19. 20. Trafalgar, battle of, 187. Transpadane Republic, the, formed by Buonaparte, 178. Tremouille, Lewis de la, favourite of Charles VII., 70 ; shuts the con- stable 1 ut from Bourges, ib. ; car- ried off from court, 74 ; joins the Ecorcheurs, 76 ; heads the French invasion cf Eritanny, 89; commands the French army in Italy, 91. Trent, C uncil of, ic6, 109. Tribunate, the, established, 182 ; its abolition, 186. Trier, R man origin of, 3 ; an im- perial c.ty, 4 ; French cccupation c f, 182. Triple Alliance, the, against Lewis XIV., 141. Tripoli, held by Raymond of Tou- louse, 17. Tristran I'Hermite, provost -marshal and fav urite of Lewis XL, 80. Trochu, General, 213. Troyes, Treaty of, 69. Truce cf God, the, its regulations, 14 ; influence of, 15. Tuileries, the, attacked by the mob, 169; burned by the Communists, .='5- lurcnne. his part in the Thirty Years' War, 134; favours the Fronde, 137; bl ckades Paris, 138 ; takes Dun- kirk, 139 ; killed at Salibach, 142. Turin, French siege cf, 149, ijo. Tyrol, the, addcil to Bavaria, 187 ; restored to Austria, 197.