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8 MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Cicero. — THE CATILINE ORATIONS. From the German of Karl Halm. Edited, with Additions, by A. S. Wilkins, Litt.I)., LL.D., Professor of Latin at the Owens College, Man- chester, Examiner of Classics to the University of London, New Edition. 2^. 6u'. FRO LEGE MANILIA. Edited, after Halm, by Professor A. S. Wilkins, Litt.D., LL.D. 2s. 6(i. THE SECOND PHILIPPIC ORATION. From the German of Karl Halm. Edited, with Corrections and Additions, Ivy Joiix E. B. Mayor, Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of St. John's College. New Edition, revised, ^s. PRO ROSCIO AMERINO. Edited, after Halm, by E. H. DoNKiN, M.A., late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford; Assis- tant-Master at Sherborne School. 4^. 6J. PRO P. SESTIO. Edited by Rev. II. A. HoLDEN, M.A., LL.D., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and late Classical Examiner to the University of London. 5^. Demosthenes. — DE CORONA. Edited by B. Drake, M.A., late Fellow of Kind's College, Cambridge. New and revised Edition, edited by E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A. [/« the press. ADVERSUS LEPTINEM. Edited by Rev. J. R. King, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College, Oxford. 45. (id. THE FIRST PHILIPPIC. Edited, after C. Rehdantz, by Rev. T. GwATKiN, M. A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge* 2S. 6J. IN MIDI AM. Edited by Prof. A. S. Wilkins, Litt.D., LL.D., and Herman Hager, Ph.D., of the Owens College, Manchester. [/« preJ>aratio)i. Euripides. — IIIPPOLVTUS. Edited by J. P. Mahaffy, M.A., P'ellovv and Professor of Ancient History in Trinity College, Dub- lin, and J. B. BuRY, Fellow of Trinity Colle.;;e, Dublin. 3^. 6</. MKDEA. Edited by A. W. Verrall, Litt.D., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge. 3j-. 6(/. HTIIGENIA IN TAURIS. Edited by E. B. England, M.A., Lecturer at the Owens College, Manchester. 4^. 6(/. ION. Edited by M. A. Bayfield, M.A., Assistant-Master at Malvern College. {Nearly ready. BACCHAE. Edited by R. Y. Tyrrell, M. A., Professor of Greek in the University of Dublin. [/w preparation. Herodotus. — BOOK III. Edited by G. C. Macaulay, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. [/« preparation. BOOKS V. and VI. Edited l) J. Stkaciian, M.A., Professor of Greek in the Oweis College, Manchester. Iu preparation. BOOKS VII. and VIII. Edited by Mrs. Montagu Butler. [/« the press. Hesiod.— THE WORKS AND DAYS. Edited by W. T. Lendrum, Assistant Master in Dulwich College. In preparation.