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CLASSICAL SERIES. 9 Homer.— ILIAD. BOOKS I., IX., XL, XVI.— XXIV. THE STORY OF ACHILLES. Edited by the late J. H. Pratt, M.A., and Vv'altek. Leaf, Litt.D., Fellows of Trinity Collei;e, Cambridge. 6s. ODYSSEY. BOOK IX. Edited by Prof. JohxN E.B. Mayor. 2s. 6d. ODYSSEY. BOOKS XXL— XXIV. THE TRIUMPH OF ODYSSEUS. Edited by S. G. Hamilton, B.A., Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. 3J. 6a'. Horace.— THE odes. Edii.-d by T. E. Page, M.A., formerly Fellow of St. John's Collej^e, Cambridge ; Assistant-Master at the Charterhouse. 6^. (BOOKS I., II., III., and IV. separately, 2s. each.) THE SATIRES. Edited by Arthur Palmer, M.A,, Fellow of Trinity College, DuJjlin ; Professor of Latin in the University of L)ublin. 6s. THE EPISTLES and ARS POETIC A. Edited by A. S. WiLKiNS, Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of Latin in Owens College, Manchester ; Examiner in Classics to the University of London. 6s. IsaeOS.— THE ORATIONS. Edited by V.'iLLiAM Ridgevvay, M.A., J'ellow of Caius College, Cambrid^'^e ; and Professor of Greek in the University of Cork. In prepai-ation. Juvenal, thirteen satires. Idited, for the Use of Schools, by E. G. Hardy, M.A., late Fellow of Jc^us College, Oxford. S-f. 1 he Text of this Edition is carefully adapted to Scliool use. SELECT SATIRES. Edited by Professor John E. B. Mayor. X. and XL 3J-. 6d. XII. — XVI. 4^. 6d. Livy. — BOOKS 11. and hi. Edited by Rev. H. M. Stephenson, l^r.A. 5J. BOOKS XXI. AND XXII. Edited by the Rev. W. W. Capls, M.A. Maps. 5^-. r.OOKS XXIII. AND XXIV, Edited by G. C. Macaulay, M.A. With Maps. 5.1. IJIE LAST TVvO KINGS OF MACEDON. EXTRACTS FROM THE FOURTH AND FIFTH DECADES OF LIVY. Selected and Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by F. H. Rawlins, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; and Assistant-Master al Eton. With Map*;. 3^-. 6d. THE SUBJUGATION OF ITALY. SELECTIONS FROM THE FIRST DECADE. Edited by G. E. Marindin, M.A., formerly Assistani Master at Eton. _In prepaj-ation. I-UCretius. books I.— HI. Edited by J. H. Warburton Lee, M.A., late Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and /■ Assistant- Master at Rossall. i,s. 6d. Lysias. — select ORATIONS. Edited by E.S. Shuckburgh, M.A., late Assistant-Master at Eton College, formerly Fellow ard Assistant-Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. New Edition, revised. 6s.