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S te p h e n . — continued. A HISTORY OF THE CRIMINAL LAW OF ENGLAND. New and Revised Edition. Three Vols. Svo. 485. GENERAL VIEW OF THE CRIMINAL LAW OF ENGLAND. Second Edi'ion. Svo, The first edition of this work was pub- lished in 1863. The new edition will be substantially a new work, intended as a text-book on the Criminal Law for University and other Students, adapted to the present day. [/« the press. MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. (i) English, (2) French, (3) German, (4) Modern Greek, (5) Italian, (6) Spanish. ENGLISH. Abbott. — A SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. An attempt to illustrate some of the Differences between Elizabethan and Modern English, By the Rev. E. A, Abbott, D.D., formerly Head iVIaster of the City of London School. New Edition. Extra fcap, Svo. 65, Bacon, — ESSAYS. Edited by F. G, Selby, M.A,, Professor of logic and Moral Philosophy, Deccan College, Poona. Globe Svo. 3j. 6d. Burke,— REFLECTIONS ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Edited by F, G. Selby, M.A. Globe Svo. ^ln preparation. Brooke. — primer of English literature. By the Rev. StopfordA. Brooke, M.A, iSmo. s. {Literature Primers.) Butler. — HUDIBRAS, Edited, with Irtroduction and Notes, by Alfred Milxes, M.A. Lon., late Student of Lincoln College, Oxford. Extra fcap Svo. Part I. 35. 6(/, Parts II. and III. 4^, (id. Campbell, — SELECTIONS. Edited by Cecil M, Barrow, M.A., Principal and Professor of English and Classics, Doveton College, Madras. In preparation. Cowper's TASK: AN EPISTLE TO JOSEPH HILL, ESQ.; TIROCINIUM, or a Review of the Schools; and THE HIS- TORY OF JOHN GILPIN. Edited, with Notes, by William Ben- ham, B.D. Globe Svo. s. [Globe Readings from Standard Authors.') THE TASK. Edited by W. T. Webb, M.A., Professor of English Literature, Presidency College, Calcutta. [/« preparation, Dowden. — SHAKESPEARE. By Professor Dowden. iSmo. s. {Literature Primers. ) Dryden. — select prose works. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Professor C. D. YoNGE, Fcap. Svo. 2s. 6d. /2