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68 MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Gladstone.— SPELLING REFORM FROM AN EDUCA- TIONAL POINT OF VIEW. By J. H. Gladstone, Ph.D., F.R.S., Member of the School Boai^ for London. New Edition. Crown Svo. is. bd. Globe Readers. For standards I.— VI. Edited by A. F. MuRisoN. Sometime English Master at the Aberdeen Grammar School. With Illustrations. Globe Svo. Book III. (232 pp.) s. 2,d. Primer I. (48 pp.) 31/. Primer II. (48 pp.) 3</. Book I. (96 pp.) 6d. Book II. (136 pp.) 9'/. Book IV. (328 pp.) s. gd. Book V. (416 pp.) 2J-. Book VI. (44S pp.) 2s. 6d. " Among the numerous sets of readers before the pubhc the present series is honourably distinguished by the marked superiority of its materials and the careful ability with which they have been adapted to the growing capacity nf the pupils. The plan of the two primers is excellent for facilitating the child's first attempts to read. In the first three following books there is abundance of enter- taining reading Better food for young minds could hardly be found."— The Athen.eum.

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