Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/189

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vii AELBERT CUYP 173 5720. Landscape with Horses. Sale. G. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 226 (40 florins, Van der Bleik). 572^. Landscape with two Horses. Three figures, a dog, and other objects. Panel, 14 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, April n, 1827, No. 28 (40 florins, Lamme). 572f. A Saddle-Horse in a Landscape. Panel, i8| inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. A. Bennet, Leyden, April 10, 1829, No. 28 (4 florins 5, Gruyter). 573. A Dappled-Grey Horse. Sm. 217. Represented life-size in a pasture. In the background are several other horses. " This is a free and masterly production, but is of little comparative value, as the animals are but indifferently drawn " (Sm.). Canvas, 67 inches by 80 inches. In the Heris collection, Brussels, 1834 (Sm.) ; but not in the H6ris sale, March 25, 1841. 574. A Brown Horse. Sm. Suppl. 43. A brown horse, standing in the foreground of a pasture, with its head to the spectator. In the distance is a flat landscape with a river, near which three cows are grazing. Morning. [Possibly identical with 5500.] Panel, 19 inches by 23 inches. Sale. J. B. West, London, March 21, 1835 (^34: 135.). 575. Cavalier with Groom and Horse. In the foreground of a landscape is a cavalier in old Dutch costume ; to the left of him stands a groom, holding a black horse. A fine picture. Canvas, 46 inches by 36 inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 43. 576. A Dappled -Grey Horse. It is held by a lad. Near him are two dogs, one standing up, the other lying down. Panel, 29 inches by 38^ inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 45. 577. Two Saddle- Horses. With a man, in a landscape. One, a brown horse, is grazing. +. Canvas, i inches by 16^ inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 49. 578. Cavalier about to mount his Horse. A cavalier in black, with a grey hat, approaches his horse, to mount it ; the horse is held by a page. In the distance is a landscape ; a great river fills the right side. Panel. In the collection of A. van den Heuvel, Utrecht. Sale. Heris of Brussels, Paris, March 25, 1841, No. 29.