Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/190

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I74 AELBERT CUYP SECT; 578*. Two Horses in front of a Stable. Panel. Sale. Van Barneveld, Van den Haute, and others, Antwerp, February 26, 1844, No. 6. 57 8. Horse in front of an Inn. Panel. Sale. Van Barneveld, Van den Haute, and others, Antwerp, February 26, 1844, No. 48. 579. Landscape with Grey Horses. They are held by a lad. Sale. E. W. Lake, London, 1845 (100 : 1 6s., Nieuwenhuys). 580. A Piebald Horse. Sm. 220. A groom holds a piebald horse, while the rider stands near the stable-door. A third person looks out of a window above. On the other side is an open landscape. Early morning. Panel, 14 inches by 17 inches. In the collection of John Newington Hughes, 1834 (Sm.) ; it was put up for auction, London, April 14, 1848. 581. A Man in White leading a Brown Horse. A child in red. 19^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. W. Jones, London, May 8, 1852 (157, Nieuwenhuys). 581^7. Man with a Grey Horse and Dog. In the collection of Howard Galton, Hadzor House near Droitwich, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 221). 582. Three Horses. They are held by a lad ; one is piebald-grey. A dog ; some buildings at the back. [Compare 560.] Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 208). Sale. Lord Northwick, Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, July 26, 1859, No. 235 (152 : 55., bought in). 582*. A Dappled-Chestnut Horse. In a landscape. Signed j canvas, 13! inches by io inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 2, 1862, No. 15. 582^. Two Saddle- Horses. A young negro holds them. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, 1863 (Parthey, i. 722). 583. A Grey Horse. Its rider leads it to the left, where three boys sit on the ground, playing cards. Ruins in the distance. Canvas, 28 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. A. }. Essingh, Cologne, September 1 8, 1865, No. 172. 584. A Dappled- Grey Horse held by a Boy. The rider is some distance away. A fine dog crouches in front of the horse. Panel, 16 inches by 12 inches.