Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/541

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 831^. An Army on the March. Sale. W. Theobald, London, May 10, 1851 (210, Nieuwenhuys). 83 if. An Army on the March. On rising ground near a stream. A woman with a child. Sale. Viscount Middleton, London, July 31, 1851 (250, Nieuwenhuys). 832. The March of an Army. Sm. Suppl. 82. To the left, on a river-bank in a hilly landscape, the vanguard of an army halts. It is composed chiefly of cavalry officers. Among them are two trumpeters. One, on a prancing white horse in profile, blows his trumpet ; another, on a dark-brown horse facing the spectator, raises the trumpet to his mouth. Close to these is a general on a bay horse. On the river-bank are three troopers, one having a woman up behind him. Near them are two men and a woman on foot ; one of the men stoops to drink at the stream. From the right comes a baggage -waggon with four horses, escorted by troops. Beyond is the rest of the army ; the rear passes a rustic bridge in the far distance. A fine warm evening. A " beautiful little picture " (Sm.). Panel, 14 inches by 16^ inches. Said to have been in the Escurial. Sold by Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte to Pennell, 1840 (for ^350). In the possession of the London dealer Gritten for sale, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Th. Patureau, Paris, April 20, 1857, No. 45. 832*7. Soldiers resting in a Landscape. Three horses are tied to a tree. A man on a cart. Sale. Scarisbrick, London, May 1861 (273, Pearce). 832^. An Army on the March. In the foreground is a waggon full of wounded. Sale. Sir F. Roe, London, May 25, 1867 (336, Rutley). 833. Soldiers on the March watering their Horses (or, Le Porte-drapeau). Sm. 242. In the foreground of a hilly landscape are two officers, one on a grey horse, the other with a standard on a bay horse. To the left a rider waters a bay horse. Farther away a trooper takes up water in his hand j near him a dog is drinking. To the right is a countrywoman with her apron full of carrots and a basket on her arm ; a boy and a dog are on either side of her. A man rides a horse which draws a cart across an old stone bridge to the left. In the middle distance are two mounted officers. Farther away are four other figures and a dog in a fine landscape with a river and high hills. Very light in tone. [Probably identical with 824.] Signed according to Waagen ; canvas, 19! inches by 25 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Trtsor de la Curiosite, ii. 222 ; and by Waagen (ii. 255). Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1824. Sales. J. van der Mark, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 369 (1020 florins, Van Leyden).