Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/570

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554 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. whose horse kicks out behind. A dead man lies on the ground. To the right, farther back, a robber and a traveller, both galloping, exchange fire. A dead man lies under the robber's horse. In the middle distance a mounted traveller begs for mercy from two robbers ; beyond, half-way up the hill, is another post-chaise. The robber in red on the grey horse forms the only passage of local colour. The atmosphere is finely rendered. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 23^ inches by 31^ inches. In the gallery of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, 1885 catalogue, No. 430 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm.). 908*. Plundering Robbers. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1708, No. 9. 908^. Beggars robbing a Horseman of his Cloak. In a landscape. Sale. Hendrik Kerfbijl, Amsterdam, April 6, 1746 (Hoet, ii. 177), No. 2. 908^. An Attack on Baggage- Waggons. 28^ inches by 38^ inches. Salt. Philip van Dijk, The Hague, June 13, 1753 (Terw. 73), No. 68, (190 florins). 908^. A Robber's Cave. Thirteen figures. Men and a woman fling themselves at the seated captain's feet to beg for mercy. Panel, 23^ inches by 17 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tre'sor de la Curiosite, i. 237. Sale. Vassal de Saint-Hubert, Paris, January 17, 1774. 908*. A Robber Scene. Sale. London, 1778 (136 : ios., Hume). 909. Highwaymen. Sm. 191. On a winding road in a hilly and well-wooded landscape robbers on foot attack three horsemen. Canvas, 28 inches by 34^ inches. Engraved by Chedel as " Voleurs de Grands Chemins." Sale. Due de Chabot, Paris, December 17, 1787 (2900 francs). 910. Soldiers attacking a Loaded Waggon. Sm. 211. On a high road in the right foreground is a loaded waggon. The postilion falls from his horse wounded by the spear of a foot-soldier. Nearer the front a man on a kicking horse fires at a peasant. A horse and its rider lie dead in the road. In the distance is a high hill covered with trees and bushes ; soldiers in ambush fire on the peasants. Sixty figures in all. Canvas, 38 inches by 68 inches. Engraved ; described by Sm. from the anonymous print. Sale. Sir L. Dundas, London, 1794 (390). gioa. Robbers attacking Peasants on a High Road. Sm. 177. Panel, 19^ inches by 22 inches.