Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/571

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 555 Mentioned by Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, p. 234. Sales. Comte de Merle, Paris, March i, 1784 (1600 francs). C. Alexandre de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 86(^84). 910^. Soldiers attacking Travellers. 21 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 207 (70 florins). 9 1 or. An Attack of Robbers. A cavalier gallops forward with others to the rescue of a waggon attacked by robbers. An early work. Panel, 7 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. D 84. 910^. Highwaymen attacking a Country Waggon in the Dunes. Canvas, 12 inches by 13 inches. Sale. C. S. Roos, Amsterdam, August 28, 1820, No. 130 (305 florins, Van Yperen). 911. Robbers attacking Baggage - Waggons. Sm. 294, and Suppl. 12 and 171. A bleak and barren landscape. In the centre is a waggon with two horses, one of which has fallen while the other is held by a robber. Another robber, in a cuirass and buff coat, on a grey horse, threatens a man who kneels before him. A man in the waggon defends himself against a mounted robber who strikes at him with the butt-end of his pistol. Farther off is a second waggon ; around it robbers are pursuing peasants. Panel, 16 inches by 19 inches. Sales. Lord Charles Townshend, London, 1819 (63). Sir George Warrender, Bart., London, June 2, 1837 (158 : us., P. Norton). 911*7. Robbers attacking Travellers. Winter. Canvas, 17^ inches by 22 inches. Sales. Antwerp, August 27, 1844, No. 169. Antwerp, March 30, 1846, No. 28. 9 nb. A Waggon near a River. Sale. Henry Arteria, London, April 23, 1850, No. 42 (^35 : 145.). 91 if. Robbers attacking Peasants. In the centre of a hilly landscape, at the entrance to a wood, robbers on horseback and on foot attack peasants in a waggon. A woman begs for mercy of the chief. One robber lies dead. In the distance another waggon is being driven away. An early work. [Possibly identical with 911*.] Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; canvas, 26 inches by 32! inches. Sales. Meynders, Amsterdam, April 23, 1838, No. 46 (615 florins, Engelberts). Amsterdam, August 8, 1804, No. 212. Amsterdam, October 6, 1809, No. 73. Marquis de Salamanca, Paris, June 3, 1867, No. 148.