Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/186

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1 72 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Sale. Von Scheibler and others, Aachen, September 13, 1842, supple- mentary No. 12. 100. A PAINTER IN HIS STUDIO. Sm. 136. A painter, palette in hand, sits at his easel. He wears a high cap. In the back- ground two boys are preparing colours. To the left is a large window. Painting things are strewn about. It seems unlikely that this is a portrait of Ostade himself, as was formerly supposed. It "has become a little dark from time, and was evidently painted in the artist's old age " (Sm.). [Probably identical with 99. Compare 97, 98.] Signed in full ; panel, i6 inches by 13! inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 270. Etched by Ostade, probably B. 32. It was not in the La Bouexiere collection, Paris, as Sm. and Blanc sup- posed ; that picture is 98. Sales. Pierre de Grand- Pre, Paris, February 16, 1809 (2901 francs). P. Herrenschwand of Berne, Paris, January 24, 1810 (2601 francs, Hazard). Comte Pourtales, 1826 (105). Sold with the collection of P. Ramier. Bought in 1848 by J. M. and S. M. S. ; then in the possession of George, Paris according to a note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. Sale. Paris, May 30, 1903, No. 37 (14,500 francs, Kleinberger). In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger, 1905. 101. The Connoisseur. Sm. 35. In an interior a man sits at a table covered with a carpet, on which are books and prints. On the wall hangs a map of Europe. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 153 (1700 florins, A. van den Bogaerde). 102. THE BALLAD-SINGER. A genuine early work. In the Holburne of Menstrie Art Museum, Bath, 1902 catalogue, No. 183. 103. A Man singing. He faces right, leaning his elbows on the back of his chair. He is in blue against a light background. He wears a grey basket-shaped cap, and holds a paper. Attributed to the school of A. Brouwer, but in the style of Ostade. Very good in quality, but there are suspicious cracks in the paint, so that its authenticity is not quite certain. In the Macon Museum. 103*7. A Peasant singing. He is seated in an interior. Sale. Pieter van Buytene, Delft, October 29, 1748 (Hoet, ii. 227), No. 27 (30 florins). 103^. A Man singing. He holds a paper, and sings a merry song. Beside him, on a table, is a red jug. Panel, 8| inches by 7 inches. Sale. Widow of Johan Ph. de Monte, Rotterdam, July 4, 1825, No. 8 (775 florins, Lamme).