Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/187

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 173 103^. A Peasant singing. 6| inches by 6 inches. Sale. P. Roelfsema and others, Groningen, June 22, 1863, No. 248. 103^. The Ballad-Singer. Engraved by Edmond Bovinet. 103*. A Man singing. Half-length. He is turned three-quarters right, and wears a cap. He is singing from a sheet held in both hands. Described from a mezzotint by J. Stolker. 104. THE ITINERANT MUSICIAN. Half-length. A ragged fiddler, turned slightly to the right, is playing. His broad-brimmed felt hat is pulled down over his left eye. He looks with a smile at the spectator. An attractive picture. Signed with the monogram; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the collection of John Graham-Gilbert, Glasgow ; bequeathed to the city in 1877. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 699. 105. A MAN PLAYING THE GUITAR. In an interior. On a table before him is an open music-book. He wears a light-red cap over a black one. Panel, 10 inches by 7^ inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1890, No. 74. Sale. Schamp d'Aveschoot, Ghent, September 14, 1840, No. 234. In the collection of H. H. Gibbs, London. 106. A MAN PLAYING THE LUTE. Not a particularly good picture. Signed in half-effaced letters on the right at foot ; panel rounded at top, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the collection of F. X. Fabre ; bequeathed in 1837 to Montpellier. In the Montpellier Museum ; Fabre bequest, 1890 catalogue, No. 735. 107. THE ITINERANT FIDDLER. Sm. 40; Suppl. 45. Half-length. He stands facing right, playing the fiddle and singing. His head is slightly inclined to the left. He wears a tall grey hat with cock's feathers and a brown costume. Behind him to the left is the corner of a vine-clad cottage ; to the right are the heads of two listening children, a boy with a black cap and a girl with a white cap. Fine light and shade. [Pendant to 109.] Signed in full to the left, and dated 1648 ; panel, io inches by 8| inches. Mentioned by Descamps. Engraved by Le Bas in the Baudouin collection ; lithographed by Huot. Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 159 (105 florins, P. Fouquet). In the collection of Comte Baudouin, Paris. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 947 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at ,105).