Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/261

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 247 780. The Old Monastery. The monastery buildings and the chapel with a tower are partly hidden by trees in a walled garden. In front lies a tree with grey bark, broken off near the root ; the branches touch the water of a pool with water-plants. On either side are banks with great trees and bushes. To the left are the remains of an old brick wall. Lines of cloud in the sky parallel to the horizon. Canvas, 26 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 446. 781. Ruins. To the right of a landscape. The sunlit wall is over- grown with bushes and plants. In the distance are dunes. A marshy pool is partly covered with reeds. To the left is a partly ruined wall. Canvas, i6 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. E. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 238. 782. A Castle on a Hill. In front is water at the foot of a hill, on which stands a castle partly hidden by trees. In the centre is a road. At the door of a house on the right stands a woman. A boy with a dog goes towards her. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 23^ inches by 29^ inches. Engraved by G. Greux. In the collection of Fra^ois Nieuwenhuys. Sales. Paris, January 27, 1882 (6000 francs). Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 88 (6100 francs). 782-7. An Open Landscape. Figures by the roadside. To the right is a church tower. 9 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Duke of Marlborough, London, June 26, 1886, No. 45. 783. Ruins and a Waterfall. Sm. 282, and Suppl. 57. On the left are ruins, partly of brick, amid trees. At the foot of the ruins a stream flows in a gentle cascade across the front. A decayed tree grows on brickwork to the left. A hill partly covered with bushes bounds the view. In the distance to the right is a boat. Rain-clouds make the scene gloomy. Canvas, 24 inches by 25! inches. In the collection of Baron van Nagell van Ampsen, according to Art Sales. Sale. George Watson Taylor of Erlestoke, London, 1832 according to Sm., but perhaps April 13, 1823 Gi2O : 155., Dunford). In the collection of Charles Cope, London, 1842 (Sm.). Sales. C. Cope, London, 1872 (.273, Nieuwenhuys). C. J. Nieuwenhuys, London, July 17, 1886 (^551 : 5s., Martin Colnaghi). 784. Ruins and a Waterfall. In front a river flows over a dam between ruins overshadowed by trees. Beyond is a wood. On a wall to the left stand two figures. In a boat to the right are two men. Light clouds in a blue sky. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 22^ inches by 25^ inches.