Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/556

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542 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. 298. Cattle at Pasture. A bay horse is conspicuous ; near it a goat is browsing. On the left lie a cow and two sheep. Ruins in the distance. Canvas. Sale. Comte de Morny, Paris, May 24, 1852, No. 27 (6800 francs) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 495. 298*7. Cattle at Pasture. A reddish cow is drinking. A brown cow lies down. Five sheep with a herdsman and shepherdess on rising ground. Fine reflections in water. Tender and delicate in treatment. Signed, and dated 1670. In the collection of F. Heusch, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 254). 298^. A Cow and a Sheep near a Placid Stream. A herds- man and a shepherdess under a tree. Of the middle period ; broader than usual in handling. In the collection of Henry Danby Seymour, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. H3)- 298^. Cattle being driven. A herd of cows are driven by a herds- man with a stick towards a distant village. Sale. Bertrand, Paris, November 13, 1855, No. 174. 298^. Cattle in a Wooded Landscape. Two horses, a goat, several sheep, and other animals, standing or lying down. Sale. Bertrand, Paris, November 13, 1855, No. 175. 298*. A Hilly Landscape with Cattle. Signed. In the Haseloff collection, Berlin, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 705). 299. Landscape with Cattle. In the centre are a brown cow and two sheep reposing. Under a tree a herdsman and shepherdess converse. Wooded and hilly distance. " Of delicate feeling and carefully executed, though upon the whole somewhat dark " (Waagen). Signed, and dated 1669. In the collection of Henry Danby Seymour, Knoyle House, Wiltshire, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 385). 300. Cattle in a Woodland Meadow. A wood with deep shadows. Under a great tree lie a cow, a ram, and a sheep. On the right is a slender tree. The flat horizon is in sunlight. The finest woodland picture by the painter, full of strength, depth and transparency of colour, and poetic charm. Signed, and dated 1668. In the collection of George Field, London, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 199). 300*. Cattle at Pasture. A village in the distance. Delicate and tender in execution. In the Henderson collection, London, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 209).