Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/630

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616 PAULUS POTTER SECT. side of a country road illuminated by the setting sun, a cow lies in deep shadow. In the right foreground stands a goat suckling a kid. Beyond, in the middle distance, a herdsman and a shepherdess drive cows and sheep to the right. In the middle distance are a hedge and trees. A hill with a little Italian tower on the top rises in the left distance. The picture has an extraordinary resemblance to the early signed and dated picture at Niirnberg (i), so that its genuineness, once questioned, is confirmed. Panel, 22| inches by 37 inches. Sale. Maximilian I., King of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 97. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 471 ; but not exhibited since 1910. 650. Two Cows and a Goat. Near a tree in a meadow. One cow stands in profile j the other lies with its head to the front. Behind it is a goat. Panel, 20 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Paul Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 286 (250 florins, L. van Dijk). 66. Six Cows and Two Goats. They are in the foreground of a landscape intersected by a stream. On the opposite bank are the ruins of an old building. Beyond the cattle is a hill crowned with trees. Panel, 15 inches by 2o| inches. Sale. La Fontaine, Paris, May 28, 1821 (9300 francs) seeCh. Blanc, ii. 347. 67. Cows and Goats in a Meadow. Sm. 71 ; W. ii. 23. In the foreground of a wooded landscape two yellowish-red cows are lying, one behind the other, and a third cow, of a dun colour, stands near a goat with two kids. Farther away are two cows on the bank of a stream. " An early production " (Sm.). Panel, 9^ inches by 13 inches. In the collection of Elisha Biscoe, London, before 1834 (Sm.). 68. Two Cows and a Goat. Sm. 96 ; W. 57. In the foreground of a meadow a tawny-yellow cow with white patches and a white face lies in front of a hillock to the right. A yellowish-brown cow with white patches stands in profile in the centre. The goat is on the hillock near a tree. "An early work of the master" (Sm.). Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. In the possession of the London dealer S. Woodburn, 1834 (Sm.). 68(7. A Cow with a Calf and Three Goats lying down. In front of a cottage. The herdsman seems to be praying. Canvas, 30 inches by 26 inches. Sale. P. L. Mortier, Amsterdam, May 6, 1846, No. 21(10 florins, Tyssen). 68. A Cow and Two Goats. Panel, 6 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Mile. Helene Herry, Antwerp, September 18, 1848, No. 88. 68c. A Cow, a Calf, and Goats with a Shepherdess. In the