Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/631

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xvi PAULUS POTTER 617 foreground of a hilly landscape a cow and a calf with four sheep lie at the foot of a little hill, on which sits a shepherdess, playing on the bagpipes, with a child. In the distance a flock goes down a defile. A fine com- position. Panel, 10 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 106. 68d. Cows lying down and Goats. The goats are at a water- trough to the left. In the distance are ruins. Thistles and water-plants in front. Warm in tone. Panel, 16 inches by 24 inches. Sales. Madame Le Poittevin de la Croix, Antwerp, May 5, 1845, No. 52. St. Remy zur Biesen and others, Cologne, December 9, 1892, No. 151. 69. Two Oxen, a Goat, and Two Sheep. Sm. 101 ; W. ii. 30. In the foreground of a meadow. One ox is lying down in profile. The other, of a dark colour, stands beyond the goat which, like the sheep, is lying down. To the left is a willow. In the distance, amid trees, are cottages and a church tower. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Couche. 70. COWS AND PIGS IN A MEADOW. Sm. 93 ; W. 8. In the centre stands a mouse-coloured ox, in profile to the left, looking at a white ox which comes forward. Between them, and farther back, lies a red cow. On the right, behind the grey ox, a brown cow, seen from the back in a three-quarter view, is grazing. In the left foreground is a pool. On the right is the corner of a wooden building with a willow in front. A pig rubs itself against the tree ; to the left, at the foot of the tree, lies a sow suckling three young pigs. In the distance is a farm amid trees, with a haystack in front. Sunset. Signed in full on the building to the right, and dated 1652 ; panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. An almost exact old copy, regarded by Westrheene (W. 70) as an original, is in the Moltke collection, Copenhagen. Engraved by Couche, Guyot, Garreau, P. Laurent, and others. Sale. Amsterdam, October i, 1738 (Hoet, i. 556), No. 13 (730 florins) but not in the Count Fraula sale, Brussels, 1738, as Sm. and W. thought. In the Van Uchelen collection, 1752 (Hoet). In the collection of G. van Slingeland, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 405). In the collection of the Stadtholder William V. (Terw. 705). In the Louvre, Paris, 1795-1815. In the Royal Gallery, The Hague, 1910 catalogue, No. 138 (Sm. valued it in 1834 at 525). 71. COWS AND PIGS. In front are four pigs ; in the left distance are three cows. In front of these is a cart with a bay horse. A man in red. To the right is a cottage painted in a vague tone. Signed above the cottage door ; panel, tall and narrow. In the Von Ugglas collection, Stockholm.