Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/183

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 167 55. A LADY AT THE MIRROR. Sm. 37. She stands at a table, on which is a mirror in a dull gold frame. She raises her right hand to point to the mirror. Her left hand rests on the table, which is covered with an Eastern carpet. The lady has pearls in her ears and at her throat, and wears a dress of greenish-white silk with a rich brown jacket. "A brilliantly coloured and exquisite production" (Sm.). Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Entrusted to Sm. for sale in London, 1818 (priced at .157 : ios.). Sold by the London dealer Nieuwenhuys to the Hon. G. J. Vernon. Sale. G. J. Vernon, London, 1831 (^49 : 7s., Sm.). In the collection of John Davison, 1833 (Sm.). Bought by Sm. in 1 848 from Miss Davison and sold to James Dorrington (for .94 : ios.) noted by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. Sale. J. Dorrington, London, 1870 Gioo : i6s., Colnaghi) see Art Sales, ii. 311. In the collection of C. L. Hutchinson ; exhibited on loan in the Chicago Art Institute. 55*. A Young Girl at her Toilet. In the collection of J. van Lennep, Amsterdam ; mentioned in the in- ventory of October i, 1711 noted by A. Bredius. 55/>. A Lady bending forward at a Mirror. The sitter is described, in Baron Droste's poem on the pictures in his collection (1716 edition, p. 62) and by Hoet (i. 424) as " Hulstertje, dat naar de spiegel daelt." The rare word " hulstertje " is derived from " hullen," to do one's hair. 8 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Coenrad Baron Droste, The Hague, July 21, 1734 (Hoet, i. 424), No. 23 (20 florins 5). 55^-. A Lady washing her Hands, in a Garden. Sale. Amsterdam, June 5, 1765, No. 27. A Lady reclining on a Couch. There are pearls in her hair, at her throat, and on her fingers. A snake is wound round her right arm. To the side, at the foot of the bed, is a gilt table ; on it are a pot of flowers, a jewel-casket, and other things. Very carefully painted. Not by C. Netscher, according to a MS. note by J. van der Marck. Canvas, 26 inches by 36 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 4, 1769, No. 23 (i 6 florins, Odon). 56. A Nude Woman lying asleep on a Handsome Couch. Sm. 33. Her back is towards the spectator. A silver vase and ewer stand on an antique stool beside the couch ; near it, on the ground, lies a silk robe. Canvas, 26 J inches by 21 inches. Engraved by C. Gaucher in the Orleans Gallery. Imported into England in 1798.