Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/184

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168 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. 560. A Woman coming from the Bath. Delicately painted. Panel, 13! inches by 12 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, April 13, 1829, No. 113 (9 florins, Engell). Amsterdam, May 10, 1830, No. 90 (20 florins, Esser). 56^. A Young Lady asleep. A candle shines on her face. A delicate little work. Sale. E. Willems and others, Antwerp, August 23, 1871, No. 128 (no francs, Antoine Jozef). 56*:. A Lady in Blue at her Toilet. Panel, i inches by 9^ inches. Sales. Clifford Waterman Chaplin and others, London, December 12, 1910, No. 74 (12 : I2s., Hubbard). Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bart., and others, London, April 10, 1911, No. 10 1 (7 : 75., Cohen). 57. A WOMAN PLAYING THE LUTE. She sits, turned to the right, at a table. She wears a brownish silk dress and pearls. She leans her right arm on the table as she plays the lute. The back- ground of the room is dark. In front is a green curtain. Panel, 13^ inches by 10 inches. In one of the Berlin Royal palaces, before 1832. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1911 catalogue, No. 846. 58. A LADY PLAYING THE GUITAR. A small full length, seen in full face. She wears a red dress cut low at the neck, with pearls at her throat and in her ears. To the right on a table with a Persian carpet lies some music. [Pendant to 454.] [Signed in full on the guitar-case on the floor, and dated 1669, according to Mr. D. S. MacColl Translator'] ; panel, 14 inches by u inches. [Almost certainly identical with 59 ; on the back, in almost obliterated chalk, is the number " 57," presumably that of the De Kat sale. There is also a seal with three bugle-horns. Translator.] In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford. In the Wallace Collection, London, 1910 catalogue, No. 214. 580. A Lady playing the Guitar. Half-length. She wears a velvet jacket trimmed with fur. Very finely painted. Panel, 2| inches by 2 inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 234 (3 florins 5, Van der Maas). 58^. A Lady playing the Guitar. She sits at a table with a cover. Very finely rendered. [Pendant to 43.] Panel, 12^ inches by n| inches. Sale. Caspar van Citters, Rotterdam, July i, 1811, No. in. 58*:. A Lady in a Silk Gown at Music. She sits at a table covered with a Smyrna carpet. Fine colouring. Panel, u inches by 9 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, April 25, 1817, No. 114 (42 florins, Van der Willigen).