Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/188

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1 72 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Lady Strachey and others, London, July 17, 1911, No. 113 (29 : 8s., Hodgkins). 66. A LITTLE GIRL WITH A DOG. Three-quarter length. A little girl in a white silk dress with a blue cloak stands in a park beside a marble vase adorned with a lion's head. She lays her right hand on a little dog. Her face is framed in fair curls, and she wears on her head a curious white plume. 17 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Albert von Oppenheim, Cologne, 1904 catalogue, No. 30. 67. A Young Girl with a Dog on her Lap. A very young and slender girl, with blue eyes and fair hair, is seated. She wears a white bodice below which is seen part of her blue skirt and of her under-garment. Her right shoulder and bust are wrapped in a brown shawl. In the back- ground is a drapery caught up so as to show on the right a rose-tree in bloom and the foot of a column, and, farther away, a landscape with a piece of sky. Formerly ascribed to N. Maes. Panel, i6| inches by 12 inches. In the collection of P. von Semeonoff, St. Petersburg, 1906 catalogue, No. 388. 670. A Child with a Dog. Sale. W. van Haansbergen, The Hague, June 19, 1755, No. 161 (5 florins, Wannaar). 6jb. A. Child with a Little Dog in a Recess. A good picture. Panel, loj inches by 8J inches. Sale. Aart Schouman, The Hague, October 17, 1792, No. 96 (8 florins 5, Klijne). 67*:. A Girl at an Open Window, playing with a Dog. Careful and tenderly handled. Panel, u inches by 9 inches. Sale. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 72 (i 2 florins, Van den Berg). 67^. A Boy with a Dog. Carefully painted. Canvas, 27^ inches by 25! inches. Sale. O. Reyers, Arnhem, August 6, 1827, No. 72 (4 florins 25, Ten Gate). 67^. A Child in White Silk stroking a Dog. Canvas, 20 inches by i6| inches. Sale. F. M. Netscher, Rotterdam, April 8, 1829, No. 86 (50 florins, Louf). 67/ A Richly Dressed Girl with a Dog. The dog springs up at her. Another dpg, probably the mother, stands quietly near. Vigorously painted. Sale. Rotterdam, September 15, 1834, No. 67.