Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/213

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 197 143. An Art Gallery. A lady and a gentleman sit at a table covered with a carpet, on which pictures are shown. Not by C. Netscher, according to a MS. note by J. van der Marck. Canvas, 21 inches by 23! inches. Sale. J. A. van Kinschot, Delft, July 21, 1767 (Terw. 611), No. 54 (53 florins 15, Fiet). 1430. A Party. A small picture. Sale. J. van der B , Rotterdam, May 14, 1787, No. I. 143^. The Gipsies. In the Orleans Gallery, 1792 ; see Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, i. 207. 144. An Old Gentleman and a Youth at a Window with a Curtain. The man in old Dutch dress reclines on the window-sill, which is adorned below with a relief of children. Beside him stands the youth, holding in both hands a little ivory figure. On the sill, to the side, lie a gold watch and a spray of roses. Very good. Panel, 18 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. (Bicker and Wijkersloot) Amsterdam, July 19, 1809, No. 40 (51 florins, Gruijter). 144*7. The Broken Dish. In a well-furnished room the angry master of the house is in a great rage with his frightened household on account of a broken dish. A striking effect, finely painted. Sale. Haarlem, September 23, 1811, No. 68. 144^. A Father's Birthday celebrated by his Wife and Daughter. In an interior. A masterpiece. In the Smith collection, Amsterdam. Sale. J. L. Laneuville, Paris, November 6, 1811 see Ch. Blanc, ii. 285. 144*:. Interior with Two Figures. The scene is illumined by a lighted lamp and lantern. Panel, 22| inches by i8| inches. Sale. T. T. Cremer, Rotterdam, April 16, 1816, No. 81 (92 florins, with 540, Netscher). 144^. The Family. A lady in white silk and a richly dressed man at her side. Two children play with flowers. Near them is a dog. On a table covered with a Persian carpet is a cage with a parrot. At the back is some architecture with a fine vista. Canvas, 17^ inches by 21 inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 90 (63 florins, De Lelie). ' 144*. A Party eating at a Table. Carefully painted. Panel, 14 inches by 28 inches. S a l e , O. Reyers, Arnhem, August 6, 1827, No. 71 (7 florins 50, Ten Gate).