Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/214

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198 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. I44/ A Lady at a Window. Other figures in the distance. An excellent work. 14 inches by n inches. S*._John Clerk of Elgin, Edinburgh, March 14, 1833, No. 87 (8 : 155.). i44. The Visit. Four figures. Sale. J. Stewart, London, April 20, 1839 ( I 99 ' IOS - Abraham) see Art Saks, ii. 311. 144/z. A Lady, a Cavalier, and a Child. In an interior. The lady wears a yellow bodice and a white skirt. The cavalier is in black. In the collection of the Duchesse de Berry. Sale.G. T. Braine, London, 1857 (98 : 145., Welch). 145. The Visit to the Cotmtry-House. A gentleman has just ascended to the terrace of a country-house, the garden of which stretches far away. A lady, in white silk with short sleeves edged with lace and a blue apron embroidered with gold, holds a wine-glass and receives with a slight smile the somewhat shy visitor who bows to her. The gentleman wears a blue cloak embroidered with gold and holds his broad-brimmed hat in his left hand. In the left background a maid-servant pours out a glass of wine at a table covered with a Persian carpet. In the half-shadow the gentleman's groom holds a greyhound lest it should rush at the little dog at the lady's feet. An exceptionally fine and well-preserved picture. Canvas, 34 inches by 28 inches. Sale. H. G. Nahuys van Burgst, Antwerp, September 13, 1858, No. I. 1450. A Person kneeling before a Lady dressed as an Abbess. The person delivers to her a letter addressed to the Queen- Regent. The lady is surrounded by attendants. In an interior. Certainly portraits. Sale. Lord Northwick, Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, July 26, 1859, No. 1589. 145^. A Woman with a Casket. A fair-haired young woman in a low-cut gown with a plume in her hair is seen in full face. She opens a casket lying on a table covered with a red carpet. At the back an old woman in profile speaks to her. Signed ; canvas, u inches by 8| inches. "Sale. Marquis de , Montpellier, May 16, 1870, No. 40. 145^7. Two Nude Women. In the collection of Albertina Agnes of Orange-Nassau, who died 1697 ; mentioned in an inventory of about 1681, No. 93. 145^. Several Figures in an Interior. Sale. G. P. Turner, London, 1815 (64, Baring) see Art Sales, ii. 311. i45<:. Interior with Figures. Panel, io inches by 8| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 31, 1871, No. 189 (20 florins, Nieuwenhuys).