Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/231

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 215 196. Philips Doublet the Younger (1633-1707), lord of St. Annaland and Moggershil. Three-quarter length ; seated. He rests his right arm on a bas-relief, on which only a child's figure and part of a dog can be distinguished. In his left hand is a roll of paper. Dated 1667 ; panel, 19 inches by 13! inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 2108 ; Christian Huygens, (Euvres Completes, vi. 156 ; and Oud Holland, 1896, p. 182. In the collection of J. G. J. Camberlyn ; bought in Holland between 1815 and 1827. In the collection of the late H. Camberlyn d'Amougies, Pepinghen, near Brussels. 197. A Lady of the Van der Dussen Family. Life size; half- length ; turned three-quarters left. She wears a rich fur-trimmed dress with pearl necklace and bracelet. Her comely face is turned to the spectator. Her right hand, on which are rings, grasps her cloak. Above to the left is a coat-of-arms inscribed "Van der Dussen." Signed in full ; canvas, 32 inches by 27 inches. Sales. Stiels and others, Cologne, May 24, 1897, No. 163. Berlin, April 5, 1898, No. 47. Eleonore Erdmuthe Luise von Sachsen-Eisenach, second wife of Johann Friedrich of Brandenburg. [See 216.] 198. Elisabeth Albertina von Anhalt (1665-1706), and Maurits Louis von Nassau Lalecq (1676-1704) as a boy. Small full-length figures. In the collection of Albertina Agnes of Orange-Nassau mentioned in the 1 68 1 inventory. In the collection of Hendrik Casimir II. von Nassau-Dietz, Stadtholder of Friesland, and Henriette Amalia von Anhalt-Dessau, his wife mentioned in the 1694 inventory, No. 38. England. See Anne (169, 169*7) ; York (311). Essex. See Lady Mary Bentinck (175). 199. Arent Fabricius (1674-1729), the celebrated jurist, as a boy of ten. He sits on a bench under a clump of trees. Beside him is a little dog. In the distance is a cupola. Canvas, 17^ inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Henry Doetsch, London, June 22, 1895, No. 366. Eleonora von Gersdorff, born Burgh. [See 182.] 200. Adriaen Ghijs. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 2727. In the possession of the heirs of the late Dowager Madame Backer de Wildt, Amsterdam. 201. Eleonora van Royen, wife of A. Ghijs. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 6599.