Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/232

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2 i6 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. In the possession of the heirs of the late Dowager Madame Backer de Wildt, Amsterdam. 202. LADY GIFFORD (1638-1722), sister-in-law of Sir William Temple, and DIANA TEMPLE (1655-1679), daughter of Sir William Temple. Signed, and dated 1675 ; canvas. A small picture. In the collection of Sir W. Temple, Moor Park. In the collection of Lord Palmerston, Broadlands. In the collection of A. E. M. Ashley, Broadlands. 203. Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1640-1660), son of Charles I., King of England. If the identification is correct, Netscher must have painted the portrait before he set out for Bordeaux in 1659. Sale. Chambers and others, London, February 12, 1898, No. 83. Marguerite Godin, wife of Caspar Netscher. [See 98, 166- i6W.] 203A. PIETER DE GRAEFF, lord of Zuid-Polsbroek (1638- 1707). Three-quarter length ; standing beside a column and turned to the right. He wears a coat with broadly slashed sleeves and a wide flat lace collar ; his long hair falls on his shoulders. In his left hand is a glove. [Pendant to 2036.] Signed in full, and dated 1663 ; panel, rounded at top, 20| inches by 14 inches. In the Steengracht collection, The Hague. 2038. JACOBA BICKER (1640-1695), from 1662 the wife of Pieter de Graeff. Three-quarter length ; standing beside a column round which a curtain is draped, and turned a little to the left. Her left hand hangs down. Her right hand grasps a fur wrap thrown over her shoulders. She wears a gown with short sleeves, out of which come the full white sleeves of the chemise. Her abundant hair hangs down in curls. She wears a pearl necklace. [Pendant to 2O3A.] Signed in full ; panel, rounded at top, 2o|- inches by 14 inches. In the Steengracht collection, The Hague. Francoise Marie Grignan, born De Sevigne". [See 265.] 203*7. A Prince of the House of Hapsburg. In a richly em- broidered hunting-dress. In front of him is a hound. In the distance are several other hounds following the chase. Careful and skilfully painted. Sale. Amsterdam, May 19, 1779, No. 119 (8 florins, Caller). Lady Abigail Harley, born Stephens. [See 272.] 204. Nicolaes Hartsoeker (1656-1725), Physicist. Three-quarter length. He wears a flowered silk robe and stands at a stone balustrade which is adorned with a relief. He points with the right hand to a stormy sea, on which a vessel is driven before a gale. On the balustrade stand a globe, a microscope, and other physical instruments. Carefully painted.