Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/238

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222 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. The Due de Maine, son of Louis XIV. and of Madame de Montespan, was married in 1692 after Netscher's death to Anne Louise Benedicte, born in 1676, daughter of Henri Jules, Prince de Cond. The old identi- fication of the lady as the Duchess of Burgundy is equally impossible, for Louis, Duke of Burgundy (1682-1712), grandson of Louis XIV., was married in 1697 to Marie Adele of Savoy. Sale. Ralph Bernal, London, March 10, 1855, No. 651 (30 : 93., Earl of Northbrook) as " The Duchess of Burgundy." In the collection of the Earl of Northbrook, London, 1889 catalogue, No. 80. 231*. The Duchesse de Maine. Half-length. Sale. Mrs. Maberley, London, 1877 (17 : 173.) see Art Sales, ii. 311. Maine. See also Montespan (240, 243). 232. Madame de Maintenon (1635-1719), mistress of Louis XIV. Three-quarter length. She wears a white silk dress with a blue wrap, and sits on a marble bench, turned a little to the right. With her right hand she holds a little dog ; her left hand rests on her dress. Beside her to the right is a sculptured vase with a large bunch of flowers. In the back- ground to the left is a grey parrot, with a marble bust above it j to the right is a view of a landscape, with a curtain. See note to 221. Signed in full ; 22 inches by i8| inches. Sale. Heymel, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. 40 (1900 mark). 233. MARIA MANCINI (1640-1715), wife of Lorenzo Colonna. Three-quarter length. She sits, turned to the left, at a stone balustrade, on which she lays her right arm ; her left hand is at her bosom. She wears a satin gown, cut low at the neck, over an under-garment with wide puffed sleeves ; she has also an ermine cloak fastened at the bosom with a chain, and wears pearls in her ears and at her throat. Her hair is in curls. In the background is a wall with a recess, containing the lower half of a statue. To the right is a curtain. A replica with variations called " Queen Henrietta " occurred in a sale at Munich, October 12, 1909, No. 38. Another replica, with a different head, is in the collection of the Earl of Radnor, Longford Castle, where it is entitled "Queen Mary II." ; see 296. In the Colonna collection, Rome. 234. Maria of Orange-Nassau (1638-1688), Countess Palatine, of Simmern, Luxemburg. A small full length, seated. In the collection of Hendrik Casimir II., Stadtholdcr of Friesland, and Henriette Amalia von Anhalt-Dessau ; in the inventories of 1688 and 1694, No. 17. 234*7. Maria of Orange-Nassau, Countess Palatine, of Simmern, Luxemburg. In the collection of Albertina Agnes of Orange-Nassau, Oranjewoud. In the inventory of her goods, 1697, No. 54 (valued at 150 florins, and allotted to Henriette Catharina von Anhalt).