Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/29

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xvn GERARD TER BORCH 13 walking round a wheel. A younger man watches the grinder. At the back is the roof of a high-gabled house with a chimney and a stork's nest. In front, on the ground, lies a broken cane chair. Very delicate in tone and spirited in handling. One of Ter Borch's most sympathetic pictures of this kind. [Compare the woman in 46. Cf. also 463, 464.] Signed with the monogram on the wall to the right at foot ; canvas, 28^ inches by 23^ inches. A free copy [see Metsu 219^], dating from the early years of the nineteenth century, is in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. It is on canvas, 32 inches by 25^ inches ; and was in the Sales. S. H. Fraser, London, May 7, 1904, No. 51 (162 : 155., Farr). London, May 31, 1906, No. 107. London, March 23, 1907, No. 140. Engraved by C. Weisbrodt in the Choiseul Gallery. Exhibited in the collection of the Duchesse de Berry, London, 1834 (offered for sale privately and priced at ^250). Sales. Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772, No. 30 (4809 francs). Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (2400 francs). Due de Chabot, Paris, December 17, 1785 (2400 francs). Robit, Paris, May 21, 1801 (1800 francs). Duchesse de Berry, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. 3 (2510 francs, Demi- doff'; or 2500 francs, Octave Jaunet). Bought in Berlin, 1837, for the Museum. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1911 catalogue, No. 793. 190. A Woman selling Vegetables. 21 1 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Brussels, February 22, 1777, No. 25 (54 francs). 20. A Beggar and an Old Woman. A room with a young beggar holding a plate. At the hearth near him is an old woman. A fine composition, painted with great care. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 182 (100 florins). 21. The Fortune-Teller. In the midst of a group of women stands a cavalier. A woman is telling his fortune from his hand. Canvas, 26|- inches by 33^ inches. Sale. Plasman and others, Cologne, December 18, 1896, No. 116. 22. Cavalry Soldiers on a Hill. A well-painted picture. Panel, i8| inches by 14^ inches. Sale. G. J. de Servais, Malines, July 21, 1775, No. 147. 23. A Scene with Soldiers. A lady in a coloured jacket trimmed with fur sits, looking miserable, in a room, and complains to an officer. At the back three soldiers are plundering a chest. Finely painted. Canvas, 12^ inches by n inches. Sales. Amsterdam, May 23, 1798, No. 19 (31 florins 10, Berkenbosch). Amsterdam, June 13, 1809, No. 7 (36 florins, Gruyter).