Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/30

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H GERARD TER BORCH SECT. 24. Marksmen with their Captain. In front of a handsome building. Canvas, 16 inches by 32$ inches. Sa/e.H. A. Bauer and others, Amsterdam, September n, 1820, No. 6 (60 florins, Roos). 25 THE DESPATCH. On the left stands a trumpeter in a green uniform with yellow sleeves. He holds his grey hat in his right hand. At a table to the right an officer, wearing a cuirass and yellow sleeves, sits writing a letter. A hat lies on the red table-cloth. A dog sniffs at the messenger. Very delicate in tone. Panel, 2C> inches by 17 inches. In the collection of J. B. M. de Bourguignon de Fabregoules, Aix, who bequeathed it to the town, 1863. In the Aix Museum, Provence ; 1901 catalogue, No. 373. 26. THE DESPATCH. See Sm. n. To the left, at a homely table, a fair-haired young officer sits writing a letter. He is bare-headed, and wears a cuirass. In front of him to the right stands a trumpeter waiting, with his eyes on the spectator ; he wears a yellow and blue costume, high boots, and a fur headdress, and has a sword at his left side and a trumpet at his back. On the table lie writing materials and a pipe. On the floor in front lie a letter and a broken pipe. In the left background is the chimney-piece. The trumpeter is rather hard in colour. The picture must be an early work. J. P. Richter, in Kunstchronik^ xii. 308, regarded it as a copy. The author holds that it is an original, so far as it is possible to judge of a picture under glass. Signed with the monogram on the table at foot ; canvas, 21 inches by 15^ inches. Copies are (i) in the Hermannstadt Museum, 1901 catalogue, No. 1129, measuring 16 inches by 12 inches; and (2) in the sale: Wedewer, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 224, measuring 2i inches by i6 inches. In the Dresden Gallery', 1908 catalogue, No. 1829 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm.). 27. AN OFFICER READING A LETTER. On the left sits an officer in a grey costume, with a cuirass and a large grey hat. He reads a letter, which he holds in his left hand, and which he has received from a trumpeter standing to the right in front of him. The man holds his high hat trimmed with red fur in a respectful attitude and looks at the officer. Between them, at a homely table farther back, sits a third soldier holding a pipe. Good in tone. Panel, 15 inches by n| inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A 525 as a Metsu ; afterwards catalogued by turns as a Ter Borch and as a Metsu. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1833. 28. THE DESPATCH. Sm. 51. An officer sits, turned to the left, on a low chair. His left arm is round the shoulders of a young woman who sits on the floor beside him. The woman, who wears a red skirt and yellow jacket, leans her head on her right hand and rests the