Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/333

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN Randon de Boisset, Paris, February 3, 1777, No. 154 (1270 francs). Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (600 francs). Bought from the brothers Wilmans, 1817, for the Institut. In the Stadel'sches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort-on-Main, 1900 catalogue, No. 224. 15. THE HOLY FAMILY. St. John, seated in Elizabeth's arms, laughingly holds a torch in front of the Virgin. She, with hands folded, reads a book. In front to the left kneels the Child Jesus. To the right is Joseph, leaning his head on his hand. Life-sized figures. Signed in full ; canvas, 65^ inches by 44 inches. In the Copenhagen Museum, 1896 catalogue, No. 314; not shown at present. 1 6. THE HOLY FAMILY. A replica of 14 (Frankfort) from the painter's own hand. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 14^ inches by n inches. In the collection of Oskar Huldschinsky, Berlin. Sale. Berlin, March 20, 1900, No. 76. In the collection of the late Alfred Thieme, Leipzig, 1900 catalogue, No. 73. 17. THE HOLY FAMILY. The Virgin in red and blue shows the Child a rose. Joseph blows up the fire. In the collection of J. Lenglart, Lille. 1 8. THE HOLY FAMILY. A family group, by candlelight. Canvas, 40 inches by 29^ inches. In the collection of Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Liitzschena, 1889 catalogue, No. 183. 19. THE HOLY FAMILY. Sm. 76. In the centre sits the Virgin, seen at three-quarter length, with her bosom bare. She looks down on the Child whom she holds on her right arm, and touches Him on the chin with the forefinger of her left hand. To the left beside the Virgin is Joseph, in profile to the right ; he thoughtfully adjusts the wrap on her shoulders. To the right behind the Virgin an angel sweeps past, stretching out his right arm as if to bless the Holy Family. Signed in full on the left at foot the first two letters are illegible ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. An almost exact replica is in Baron Bruckenthal's Museum, Hermannstadt, 1909 catalogue, No. 1020. In the collection of the Elector Palatine Johann Wilhelm (who died in 1716), Dtisseldorf see Van Gool, ii. 564. In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 432 ; in the store-room since 1910. 20. THE HOLY FAMILY. Sm. 92. The Virgin sits, seen almost in full face. She holds in her lap the sleeping Child with His head on her left arm. Behind to the right stands St. Anne, who carefully raises