Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/347

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XIX LrUlJbKllLL) SUHALvUK.tlN 331 Sales. (Probably) Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 167. C. H. van Heemskerck, widow of A. Westerhoff, The Hague, August 26, 1782, No. 29 (10 florins 10). Amsterdam, March 13, 1793, No. 1 1 (5 florins 5, Gambst). H. van den Heuvel and ]. Hackefort, Rotterdam, April 18, 1816, No. 52 (5 florins 5). 7 ic. Diana at the Bath. Canvas, 39 inches by 58 inches. Sale. Antwerp, August 27, 1844, No. 149. 72. Diana. She wears a flowing robe and holds an arrow in her left hand. In a landscape at evening. Agreeable and carefully painted. Panel, 7^ inches by 6| inches. Sales. (Probably) ]. van der Hoop and others, Rotterdam, October 13, 1864, No. 76. F. M. Freiherr von Berg, Frankfort-on-Main, December 5, 1904, No. 47. 72^. Juno and Minerva. io| inches by 8 inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 226), No. 59 (63 florins, Muyske). 73- Jupiter and Antiope. Sm. 36. Jupiter, in the form of a satyr, draws aside the curtain of a couch on which the beautiful nymph lies. In front lies a sleeping Cupid. Lamplight. Panel, 23! inches by 18 inches. Sale. Julliot, Paris, 1793 (10,200 francs). 74. JUPITER AND SEMELE. Semele, almost nude, raises herself on her couch. In the left middle distance appears Jupiter with the lightning in his right hand, spreading a reddish glow over the picture. [Pendant to 77.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 58^ inches by 44^ inches. In the Sch5nborn collection since 1857 at least. In the collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid, Pommersfelden, 1894 catalogue, No. 522. 75. The Daughters of Cecrops finding the young Erych- thonius. In the Cavens collection, Brussels. 76. LATONA TURNING THE LYCIAN PEASANTS INTO FROGS. She leans against a tree on the right, holding the child Diana on her lap, while her son Apollo stands at her feet. Latona makes a threatening gesture at five peasants and a woman who mock her, and are therefore turned by Jupiter into frogs. Panel, 14^ inches by 21 inches. In the collection of Prince Eugene of Savoy. In the Royal Gallery, Turin, 1899 catalogue, No. 399.