Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/348

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332 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 77. PAN AND SYRINX. The nymph, almost nude, flees from the pursuing satyr. Above is a Cupid. [Pendant to 74.] Signed in full, and dated 1691 ; canvas, 58 inches by 44 inches. Probably in the SchOnborn collection in 1719. In the collection of Count Schonborn-Wiesentheid, Pommersfelden, 1894 collection, No. 521. 77/7. Pomona. She is seated. Before her lie four figures. Half- length. Very finely rendered. 17! inches by 14 inches. Sale. Samuel van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737 (Hoet, i. 482), No. 43 (175 florins). 78. VENUS AT HER TOILET (or, THE EFFECT OF DAYLIGHT). Sm. Suppl. n. In the foreground, on a rock by the seashore, Venus sits undraped, and Cupid arranges her hair. She sits on a red gown. Her blue girdle embroidered with gold and a pearl necklace lie on the beach to the left of her. She leans on her right arm, which is adorned with a gold bracelet set with blue stones. With the right hand she presses the end of her chemise to her breast ; with the left hand she grasps at her dress. Her body is turned a little to the left. She looks upwards to the right, where two rays of sunlight break through a dark cloud, flooding her face and her left forearm with golden light. On the right is the rocky shore. To the left is the sea ; the waves wet her feet. [Pendant to 79.] Signed in full in the water to the left at foot, and also signed in full and dated 1690 on the back ; canvas, 27^ inches by 2o| inches. Sale. Count van Hogendorp, The Hague, July 27, 1751 (Hoet, ii. 299), No. 7 (343 florins). In the chief Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 635. In the Kassel inventory of 1783, No. 64, in the first blue room. In the Louvre, Paris, 1806-1815. In the Kassel Gallery, 1903 catalogue, No. 306 (old No. 279). 79. VENUS GIVING CUPID A BURNING ARROW (or, THE EFFECT OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT). In the left fore- ground Venus sits on a sandhill with her head turned to the right. She is nude to the waist ; a red cloak is draped round her left shoulder and flutters in the wind. Her lower limbs are veiled in a greyish-purple silk drapery. Cupid approaches from the right and clutches at a burning arrow which his mother holds out to him. She leans her left hand on a carpet lying beside her, as she points with her right hand on the arrow. In the right distance, far below, lies the sea. On the shore ladies and gentlemen are walking. [Pendant to 78.] Signed in full on the left at foot, and also signed in full and dated 1690 on the back ; canvas, 27 inches by 21 inches. $ a k. Count van Hogendorp, The Hague, July 27, 1751 (Hoet, ii. 300), No. 8 (412 florins). In the chief Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 636. In the Kassel inventory of 1783, No. 59, in the first blue room.