Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/37

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xvii GERARD TER BORCH 21 her left hand while pouring water over the lady's hands from an ewer which she holds in her right hand. On the left is a table with a large cover, on which are a book, a mirror, and a silver box. In the immediate left foreground is a little dog. In the background are the bed and a chair ; on the walls are pictures. A fine work. [Cf. 54.] Signed in the left centre ; panel, 21 inches by 17 inches. There are the following copies : 1 . A copy with slight variations, especially in the pose of the head of the lady, who here looks at the spectator, is in the collection of Heinrich Wolde, Bremen. It is on panel, 25^ inches by 20 inches, and was exhibited at Bremen, 1904, No. 346. From the dimensions, this may be the example see 126 in the collection of Jan and Pieter Bisschop, acquired with the collection in 1771 by Adriaen and Jan Hope, but not to be traced in the Hope collection at a later date. See Qud Holland, xxviii. p. 1 68. 2. In the collection of Prince Jussupoff, St. Petersburg. 3. Sale. Duke of Cleveland and others, London, March 9, 1902, No. 94 (521 : i os.). 4. Sale. E. Warneck, Paris, May 10, 1905, No. 62 (2000 francs) canvas, 26 inches by 24 inches. Other examples which may be identical with the above or with one another occurred in the following : Sales. G. and W. Berckel, Amsterdam, March 24, 1761, No. 86 23 J inches by 19 inches. Choiseul-Praslin, Paris, February 18, 1793 (1501 francs) canvas, 23 inches by 20 inches ; Sm. 36. J. Candor, Amsterdam, September 6, 1809, No. 12 (Gruyter) canvas, 20 inches by 17^ inches. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. 93 canvas, 23^ inches by 19 inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 348, as a Netscher. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1830 (Sm. valued it in 1833 at 472 : I os.). 45. A LADY IN HER CHAMBER. Sm. 71. A lady, seen from the back, stands at a table in her chamber. She wears a white satin dress, trimmed with ribbons on the bodice, and a black velvet collar. Her very fair hair is artistically dressed and twined with ribbon. On the table, which has a scarlet cover, are a mirror, a powder-pufF, ribbon, and a letter. Beside her to the left is a red easy-chair. In the background is the bed, with red curtains. The figure is the same as that of the lady standing in 1 86 (Amsterdam), and in 176 (St. Petersburg). Panel, 15^ inches by u inches. In the Dresden catalogue of 7765. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1832. 46. A MOTHER COMBING HER CHILD'S HAIR. A middle-aged woman, wearing a green velvet jacket trimmed with white fur over a red skirt, sits in an armchair combing the hair of a little girl who leans her back against her mother's lap and holds an apple with both