Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/38

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22 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. hands In the wall to the right is an unseen window admitting the light. On the back wall hangs a bottle. On a shelf in a recess are a glass, an earthenware jug, and other objects. Very delicate in colouring and expression. Panel, 13 inches by ui inches. A similar picture was in the Berlin Museum, 1857 (Parthey, ii. 625), but is no longer there. [Compare the woman in 19.] Salts.], van Bergen van der Grijp and others, Soeterwoude, June 25, 1784, No. 133 (37 * florins, Delfos). H. Rottcrmondt, Amsterdam, July 18, 1786, No. 32 (300 florins, Fouquet). . Baronessc de Pagniet, Utrecht, July 26, 1836, No. 32 (1175 florins, Stcengracht). In the Steengracht collection, The Hague. 47. A LADY AT HER TOILET. Sm. 61. A large and hand- some room with a tall chimney-piece on the left and, near it, a table covered with a rich Turkey carpet. In front of the table stands a lady, wearing a bright blue morning gown, a striped silk scarf, and a white satin skirt embroidered with gold. She is putting a ring on her finger, while her maid fastens her scarf at the back. Near the table stands a smart page holding a gold basin and ewer. Behind the table is a little dog jumping up in a chair. On the table are a mirror with a richly ornamented frame and a candlestick with two branches. "A beautiful work " (Sm.). Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 28 inches by 23 inches. Mentioned by Waagen, ii. 129. A copy by Vestier, dated 1815, is in the Daney de Mareillac collection, Paris. Engraved in the Musee Franfais and in the Galerie Napoleon, No. 350, by Chataigner. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1878, No. 157, and 1885, No. 121. In the Louvre, Paris, about 1810. Soon afterwards at the Chateau of St. Cloud. In the Wilmens collection, Frankfort-on-Main, 1833 (Sm.). In the collection of Lionel de Rothschild, London ; acquired in June 1836. In the collection of Lord Rothschild, London. 48. A LADY AT HER TOILET. Sm. 75. A fair young lady sits, facing left, at her toilet-table, curling a lock of hair with both hands and looking into a mirror which stands on the table with its back to the spectator. The lady wears a bright blue satin bodice cut low at the neck with the loose white sleeves of an under-garment showing at the wrists. Behind her stands her maid, in black with a dark cap on the back of her head, grasping the chair-back with her left hand and watching the lady with delighted interest. The table is covered with a red cloth ; in front of the mirror are a scarlet pin-cushion and a string of pearls, and behind the mirror are a candlestick and a loosely folded drapery. Behind the table to the left is a pillar with an Ionic capital supporting one end of a massive chimney-piece which projects more than half-way across the picture, beyond the lady's head. "A good example" (Sm.). [Cf. 65, a variant.]