Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/371

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 355 N. C. Hasselaer, Amsterdam, April 26, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 50), No. 15 (305 florins). Jan Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June II, 1800, No. 195 (810 florins, J. Yver). Sir Simon Clarke and G. Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 (.193, Bryan). London, February 7, 1807 (^241 : ios., Nieuwenhuys). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 65 ; it was in the Royal collection in 1833 (Sm.). i6oa. The Musicians. Sale. D. Grenier, Middelburg, August 18, 1712 (Hoet, i. 361), No. 74 (82 florins). 1 6ob. A Woman singing and a Child. u| inches by ioj inches. Sale. E. van Dishoek, The Hague, June 9, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 172), No. 58 (115 florins). i6oc. An Old Woman standing at a Window. She has a sausage in her hand and shows it to a boy. In front of her a man beats the drum. A little girl, leaning on a bench, laughs merrily. A child plays the flute. Another looks enviously at the sausage. Very finely rendered. Copper, ii inches by 8 inches. Sale. G. J. de Servais, Malines, July 21, 1775, No. 130. 161. The Young Musicians. Sm. 34. A young lady holds a music-paper. A young gentleman sings. Another man to the left sits playing the flute. Canvas, 17 inches by 22 inches. A replica was in the sale : J. M. Quinkhardt, Amsterdam, March 15, 1773, No. 37 (i florin). Engraved by Haid. Sales. (Possibly) The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 6), No. 64 (55 florins). C. A. de Calonne, Paris, April 21, 1788 (66 1 francs). i6ia. A Young Lady and Gentleman singing. Sale. C. A. de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 35 (3 : 33.) see Buchanan, i. 225. i6i. A Concert. Sale. Countess of Holderness, London, March 6, 1802, No. 19 (,10 : ios., Harris according to Buchanan, i. 310 ; but 79 : i6s., Birch according to Art Sales, ii. 327). i6ic. Four Men at Music. At Schloss Stolzenfels, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501). A Duet. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. W. H. Prance and others, London, December 19, 1908, No. 56.