Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/372

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35 6 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. i6i<r. The Lovers. Behind a comely young girl stands a man who seeks to embrace and kiss her. Panel, 7^ inches by 5^ inches. Sale. Jan Stolker, Rotterdam, March 27, 1786, No. 1 1 (21 florins, Verwey). 1 6 1/ A Lady in a White Silk Jacket reading a Letter. Near her is a man of rank. Well painted. Canvas, 1 8 inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. J. de J. J. de Faesch, Amsterdam, July 3, 1833, No. 52 (50 florins, Chaplin). 162. A Scene in a Brothel. Sm. 53. A young girl in a yellow silk gown and a blue velvet jacket trimmed with white fur lies asleep on a couch, with her bosom uncovered. Beside her is a table covered with a gay carpet, on which are a bowl, a jug, and a lute. At the back of the room, in front of an open door, a young man, wearing a hat and cloak, counts out money into an old woman's hand. A fine cabinet piece. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sales. Earl of Halifax, London, June 24, 1808 (13). Carl Triepel, Munich, September 28, 1874, No. 44. 163. YOUNG SHEPHERDS. The shepherdess puts a garland on the head of the shepherd who would embrace her. An attractive picture. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. A replica was possibly in the sale : J. W. Frank, The Hague, April 5, 1762, No. 31 (2 florins 6). Sales. Jacques de Roore, The Hague, September 4, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 209), No. 121 (83 florins 10, Hoet). Dr. M. Schubart, Munich, October 28, 1899, No. 65 (3410 mark). 163*7. The Old Man in Love. Behind a table sits an old man. He shows a coin to a girl seated beside him. Panel, 10 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Forst and others, Cologne, December 13, 1899, No. no. 164. A SCENE IN A BROTHEL. In the right foreground a young woman sits, turned to the left, at a table on which are a jug and a wine-glass. She wears a light blue costume and a white dressing-jacket. In her lap lie several coins which she has received from a cavalier standing behind her to the left. He bends forward and tries with his right hand to unfasten her dress. At the back a woman is washing. The table has a red cover. Wrongly ascribed to Dou in the London sale-catalogue. Signed in full on the right at top ; 14 inches by 1 1 inches. Sales. Berlin, March 20, 1900, No. 47. London, June 22, 1901, No. 124. 165. A LADY AND A CAVALIER AT A WINDOW. Panel, 8| inches by 6 inches. Exhibited in the Dutch Exhibition, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1904, No. 155.