Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/375

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xix GODFRIED SCHALCKEN 359 169^. A Picture. Daylight. It was hung too high to be properly judged. In the Oppenheim collection, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 329). 170. INTERIOR WITH FIGURES. 15 inches by n inches. In the possession of the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi ; exhibited in 1896, No. 12. 171. A MAN READING A PAPER. By artificial light. Half-length, with both hands ; life size. Signed on the right at foot ; panel, 23 inches by i8| inches. In the collection of Charles II. of Spain (?). In the Palace, Aranjuez. In the Prado Gallery, Madrid, 1907 catalogue, No. 1659. 172. A HARLEQUIN WITH A CANDLE. He holds the candle in his right hand. He stretches out his right arm to the right and lays his left hand on it. His head is turned a little to the left. He wears a dark cloak over a check costume. 4 inches by 5 inches. In the Muyser collection, The Hague. In the possession of the New York dealer C. Macbeth. 173. The Geographer. A young man, in a brown robe with a plumed cap on his long hair, sits at a globe. He holds a large magnifying- glass in his right hand, and holds up a light in his left hand. On his knees lies an open book. Panel, 13! inches by 7 inches. In the collection of P. von Semeonoff, St. Petersburg, 1906 catalogue, No. 475- 174. An Old Man reading. Half-length, turned a little to the right. He sits at a table on the extreme right, upon which are a lighted candle and some coins. With spectacles on nose he reads a paper which he holds in both hands. On his head is a fur cap. Canvas, 34 inches by 26 inches. In the collection of Dorothea Steinberg-Leidenthal ; bought from it in 1807 for the gallery. In the Imperial Gallery, Vienna, 1907 catalogue, No. 1302. I74<7. A Man lost in Thought. By candlelight. Very natural. Sale. (Supplementary) M. ten Hove and J. A. Tourton, Amsterdam, April 8, 1760, No. ii (8 florins 10, De Jong). 174^. A Boy reading a Letter by Candlelight. Half-length. Finely rendered. Oval panel, 5 inches by 4 inches. Sale. The widow S. A. Westerhof, born Van der Schagen, Amsterdam, May 1 6, 1781, No. 48 (45 florins, Fouquet).