Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/376

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360 GODFRIED SCHALCKEN SECT. 174/r. A Philosopher. He sits writing. In one hand he holds a lighted candle. Finely rendered. . P. Trip, Amsterdam, February 26, 1787, No. 4. 175. Interior with a Youth resting his Left Hand on a Globe. The globe is on a table before him. In his right hand he holds a lighted candle. Attractive and finely rendered. Panel, 12 inches by 9^ inches. Sales. H. Rottermundt, Amsterdam, July 18, 1786, No. 295 (6 florins, Werther). J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 29. 176. A Man mending a Pen. Sm. 48. An old man, with a long beard and wearing spectacles on his nose, is mending his pen, by lamp- light. His mouth is open. [Pendant to 203.] Canvas, i6| inches by 13 inches. Sales. (Supplementary) Johan van Nispen, The Hague, September 12, 1768 (Terw. 676), No. 8 (150 florins). P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 336 (182 florins, Van der Hoop). Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (700 florins). (Possibly) Cremer and others, Cologne, January 20, 1892, No. 171 on panel, 15 inches by ^ inches. 176*7. A Man with a Candle in one Hand and a Book in the other. The effect of light is very good. Canvas, 21 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Antwerp, December 16, 1817, No. 70. ijbb. A Man reading Music by Candlelight. Signed in full ; canvas, 16 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. Franzi, Amsterdam, October 5, 1837, No. 41 (9 florins 75, Roos). 176*:. A Scholar holding a Candle up to a Globe. His other hand rests on a book. Panel, 9 inches by 6 inches. Sale. M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 288. An Old Man in a Fur Coat reading by Candlelight In the collection of Dr. Motz, Bremen, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501). 176*. A Scholar reading a Book by Candlelight. Canvas, 6| inches by 5 inches. In the collection of W. von Krane-Matena, Darmstadt, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501). 176/1 An Old Man with a Large Book. He reads with spec- tacles by lamplight. Panel, 17 inches by 14^ inches. In the Gotha Gallery, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 501) ; but not now there.